Prep for Safari – Dedication to the Bow



As many of my close hunting friends know, I am a Bowman as much as a Rifleman. I have spent many years shooting a recurve and longbow in my youth but was never better than average with them despite winning Traditional Trophies with them. When I picked up the Compound Bow my skill level skyrocketed. It was not uncommon for me to regularly win 3D shoot trophies as you can see above my workbench.

In my Book African Safari – Rifle and Bow and Arrow I was able to cleanly kill a Gemsbok and Red Hartebeest a culmination of my shooting skill and patience in a blind. Of the two I am most pleased with the Gemsbok. I was shooting a High Country Sniper Bow back then set at 74 pounds. I had to set it lower to hunt with. I competed with it set at 82 pounds. The reason I lowered the poundage was because the roll-over of the cams at 82 pounds was too jerky with too much movement. At 74 pounds the rollover was controlled. Both kills were full penetration and exit making tracking a no brainer. If you get a chance to check out  my e-book in the header above, you won’t be disappointed.

I love rifles just a much as my bow and have dedicated time to Rifles,Pistols and the Second Amendment especially in these times where the leftists in our government want to take those rights away. I enjoy hunting and shooting my pistols and rifles and will work support them forever.

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About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.