Maine Bear Baiting and Hounds on the Ballot

Here we go again! The crazies have come to rescue the bears. But they don’t need rescuing! Today the bear population is growing faster than wildlife agencies can manage in some cases. In Maine the population numbers around 30,000. By eliminating baiting and hunting with hounds, selectivity of bears taken by hunters can decrease. Seeing the size and sex of a bear up close can aid the hunter to take or to pass. I have hunted bear in Ontario but in fact the bear would say that he hunted me. NRA-ILA reports that money is pouring in on both sides of the issue. Be aware get involved see below. Cute bears grow up to see you as food sooner or later. Just ask the guy who lived with bears in Alaska. He became food along with his girlfriend. Leave the bear management to Maine Fish and Game professionals.

New Hampshire Pheasant Hunt Heaven

New Hampshire Pheasant Hunting is easy on the hunters soul. Young hunters, Women, and a gaggle of older hunters and retrievers of all kinds can experience the thrill of the chase. Friendship abounds,dogs are trained and eager to retrieve.  In early October God paints all the trees with crimson, orange and yellow and provides a deep blue canopy overhead with puffy cumulus clouds like cotton balls scattered here and there. It is simply heaven on earth to be outside and part of this hunt. Pheasant stocking programs from NH Fish and Game have existed for years here in New Hampshire.



I did not grow up as a Pheasant hunter as my father was more a deer hunter so my exposure was unfortunate. I gathered with my hunting friend Mike and his retriever Sam shown in the October cover photo. We eventually hooked up with his friends who also have dogs with them on the hunt. Some dogs are well trained and other dogs think that this is a social gathering to smell each other and play.

I found that many older men and their hunting dogs are ardent Pheasant hunters. The truth is that the bond between man and dog is inseparable like the hunter below who’s dog is thirteen years old. What a terrific friendship!



Mike and his dog Sam are equally inseparable as they train together to hunt Pheasants. Sam is a young retriever and is still learning the ropes. His exposure to the hunt and to other hunting dogs will aid greatly. Mike uses whistle commands and a training collar.


The hunt is a way for each to frolic and hunt together.

The truck arrived with birds for release into the NH Fish and Game regulated hunting area covering a very large area with woods and fields and released dozens and dozens of mature male and female pheasants. They take flight near and far some landing as far as a quarter mile away. Some right in front of us.



Some land right in the large fields as hunters wait for the truck to leave before advancing to locate and shoot them on the fly.



And fly they did! All of us decked out in orange were cognizant of our responsibilities for safe gun handling.

We had a great time! Birds were flushing everywhere. I did manage to down my limit of 2 birds.


Here Sam is showing off a Hen. What a mouthful. I got the birds home and prepared them by removing the suptuous breasts and legs to my considerable culinary skills. I saved the tail feather for perhaps a floral display or for fly tying. I am ready to do that again! It was great fun and a way to introduce youth hunters to hunting in general. A very social event or private event as you like it! Good Hunting! © 2014



Get back to basics and scout for deer hunt areas.

New Hampshire Hunters should be scouting now for your next hunting area. Below is the link to NH topo maps that you can print out. These maps are an essential piece of good hunting and scouting. Combine this with deer harvest data and this could be your next ticket to your next NH deer. Get back to basics and scout! This link has maps for most towns in NH. Study Study Study!



375 Ruger Reduced Loads and Powder are Here!

Here is great news for folks that have rifles for dangerous game or really big game rifles like my .375 Ruger. Now there is a reduced load powder is available from Accurate Powder called 5744 and it has been used in the .375 Ruger with excellent success.  See this site for load data.. 


I had to wildcat my way starting very low with lots of research.  Here you can use published data.  I just love my finished low power loads in particular because they are very accurate and easy to shoot for deer and black bear size game. I have not tested 5744 powder but will purchase some and write about it in a future article. My reduced loads with two different powders that are 350 fps apart from one another are only 2.5 inches apart at 100 yards.  I have stated in other articles, I have killed a 700 lb Bison and a New Hampshire bull Moose with my .375 Ruger in the Ruger African M77 with full power loads. The Bison fell “dead as a door-nail” with one shot that fully exited, taking out heart, lungs and the far shoulder. But full power is not needed for deer, accordingly, I began using reduced charges borrowing starting loads from the .375 H & H and .375 Dakota in several handloading books, again starting with very low charge weights of SR 4759 and working up. I have had no issues at all with my load work-ups grain by grain.  Energies are excellent in my finished low power loads and are in the 1700 ft-lb range at 100 yards. When the 235 grain heads are loaded with other powders upwards of 2400 to 2500 fps accuracy at 100 yards for either powder given the 300-400 fps differences are within 2.5 inches of each other at 100 yards. Wow! Such versatility! Plenty for deer and bear at those ranges with Speer’s 235 grain .375 in semi-spitzer which will quickly mushroom and exit with much of its weight intact.

There is a company that makes reduced intermediate load cartridges for the .375 Ruger it is known as Nyati, Inc. and you can find them on the web. See Below.


Full Power Testing? The .375 Ruger when fully loaded with 260 grain spitzer’s like the Nosler AccuBond and it has a max point blank range of 300 yards when zeroed at 250 yards with a 4 inch kill zone radius delivering 2750 ft-lbs to big game like Brown Bear, 2000 lb Bison or a Moose. At 400 yards it still delivers over 2000 fps and 2340 ft lbs to your game. I have demonstrate its accuracy at 600 yards with 3 1/4 inch vertical height groups using 260 grain AccuBonds under full power shooting prone position from sand bags. At 100 yards on a good day it shoots 1/2 inch groups. © 2014


Bowhunting NH Deer

Perhaps one of the toughest animals to hunt with Bow and Arrow is the Whitetail Deer. Here in New Hampshire it is even harder as the deer population density is lower than in many other states. Deer per square mile ranges from 4/sq mile in the North Country up to more than 20 per square mile along the seacoast. Much of the seacoast land is posted but you can ask permission. All they can say is no! Of course you are hunting in and around homes and woodlots. The deer I show on the cover was taken not far from my home in Plaistow, NH.

The season begins September 15th and Closes December 15th according to NHFG at 

Special Permits are still being taken (see the website above.

I have scouted in the North Country and finding deer sign regularly but here we are talking about 4-7 deer per square mile. The reason to hunt here however is that there are few houses and lots of land. Further, there is a mystery to hunting wild places. Today there is a movement to hunt with ATV’s of all sizes up north. 

These ATV’s are big kids toys for those that can afford it. A good 4WD vehicle can get you mostly to where these ATV’s go. The big plus for ATV’s is to be able to get your deer out of the woods too.

Back to Bowhunting; Today’s successful Bowhunter’s rely on scouting and knowledge of deer movement patterns and deer densities.

Reading deer sign is still the most sought after skill and is a work in progress as the season progresses toward the rut. The rut here in NH peaks around mid November and begins in September.  As each day passes the bucks will gather in small groups in September. Some sparring will begin and in October the bucks increase aggression toward one another knowing that mating season is almost upon them.

By mid October scrapes and tree rubbing are evident and the first doe is in estrous and can be mated. This is perhaps the best time to bow-hunt when the rut is not yet in full swing. Bucks during this time frame are vulnerable because they are eager to mate and come to calls and smells and remain out on the trails during the daylight.

If you are tree-stand hunting your scent is above the ground and chances are better that you will see game that is not spooked by human scent. Most bowhunter’s spend many hours in tree stands so be safe and be harnessed in to prevent falls.

Smell is the most important of all senses that a deer has in its defense. Hearing is second and Seeing is third. So if you don’t smell and have good woods skills, to keep walking sounds to a minimum, your chances increase greatly in seeing game.

I was in my tree stand for just minutes when I called that buck in with a doe bleat call. At 20 yards it was a good shot with a fixed blade Muzzy head.

Today you need to be aware that coyotes can smell blood and body gases from your dead deer so retrieval ASAP is key. New England Coyotes Canis Latrans Var. are one third wolf and are larger than their southern and western cousins and have larger jaws and muscles to eat deer.

For Hunter Education please see NHFG site below.

Good Hunting! © 2014



Scott Brown -Liberal Republican and anti-gun – Bob Smith Conservative and Pro Gun

Which would you choose?

Ok, lets say there is a tie vote on the floor of the Senate regarding more restrictions on Semi- Autos and magazine capacity. Who do you want making that call, Scott Brown or Bob Smith?

For the Record we have 20 days left and Scott Brown is a 2 issue candidate for Republicans. Hey Republicans have the Constitution in their talking points but the so called inside Republicans talk little about it. Scott Brown verbalizes little on his 20 Second TV add as to what he is really for  but bangs on Senator Jeanne Shaheen on the Border and on ObamaCare.

We know that he, (Brown) has said he is for restricting the use of Semi- Auto firearms and calls them Assault weapons. Scott being in the military knows full well that a semi- auto firearm has been in use in America for sport and home protection since before WW II. So he is lying to those who do not know the difference.

All in all if you want a conservative Democrat in the Republican Party or a very Liberal Republican vote for Scott Brown. On the other hand if you want a Conservative, Constitution believing Republican vote Bob Smith.

Voting for Brown is a vote against the Second Amendment!

Voting for Smith is a vote for the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

Second Amendment Champion Senator Bob Smith confronts Scott Brown

Former Senator and NH Republican Candidate Bob Smith is a champion of Liberty, the Constitution and the Second Amendment, and signed a new tax pledges and he says it with gusto! Here he confronts NH Candidate Scott Brown!

Senator Bob Smith Message to Scott Brown(see image below)

“Why won’t you sign the American’s for prosperity pledge?”

Senator Bob Smith and other major candidates have signed this important pledge against raising taxes, spending the Affordable Care Act and for Right-to-Work says the message below from Bob Smith. 

Candidate Scott Brown is clear as mud on raising taxes, Right to Work and of Course the Second Amendment.  Brown is the inside man for mainstream Republicans and giving all Republicans a black eye, especially conservatives. 

Screenshot (33)

Go get’em Senator Smith!


Gun Storage Safety – Update See Al’s Gun and Reel

Today responsible firearms owners have a locked Safe to store guns and/or a lockable case where gun access is possible by key or finger print ID and lockable doors that prevent access to children yet when there is an intruder access is possible quickly. I was just up to Al’s Gun and Reel Shop in Derry, NH and very soon they will have Hornady’s RAPiD™ Safe for Pistols (in stock). A great answer to security, safety and access using biometrics. This unit will retail for (Al has not set a price yet) check it out at Al’s in around 1 week. You can reach his shop at 603-432-2708. Tell Al I sent you!

a rapid safe

Also see these reviews on line at 


Gun Safes for Pistols

Gun Safes for Long Rifles




Stop! Don’t Touch! Leave the area! Tell an adult!.

This is the Eddie Eagle training video below for  kids.

NRA Eddie Eagle Video 

Why Vote for New Hampshire’s Bob Smith for Senate?

March 4, 2014 -- Bob Smith Announces Senate Campaign


Please take a moment to visit Senator Bob Smiths Website:

First and foremost Senator Bob Smith is a Vietnam Era Veteran. He believes in the Constitution and the Second Amendment that our Founding Fathers created and  been steadfast to it during his whole life.

I spent a better part of an hour with the Senator and he is a Ronald Reagan kind of leader. Both the Senator and I are big fans of Reagan and his ability to lead. I found that the Senator communicated with me at my level. I felt quite disarmed and comfortable to speak with him. He is an honest and sincere man as ever and he speaks his mind as Reagan did! I am supporting Bob Smith for Senate and have tickets to the Rochester Concert at the fairgrounds on August 29th. If you email me we can make arrangements to get tickets to you for $20 each. My email is , title it Concert Tickets.

Ed Hale


Bob’s Website says under Veterans and Military

Duty,  Honor,  Sacrifice,  Patriotism,  Respect,  Love,  Admiration

“These are the words that come to  mind when I think of American Veterans. My father gave his life in the service of this country during World War II, and my brother and I both served in Vietnam. I understand acutely the sacrifices made by men and women of our armed forces, and their families, every day.”

Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration Threatens Our Country, Communities, And Way Of Life



National Security

“Our country must be able to decisively respond to threats from terrorists and hostile regimes that are now, or will soon be, nuclear powers. America must remain a world leader and role model of economic and political freedom.Those seeking to gain prestige or international standing by misrepresenting our actions and beliefs, through state-sponsored terrorism, or by openly hostile gestures, must be met with fierce resistance, not bowed to.

Let me quote my friend former Speaker Newt Gingrich, “I am a hawk, but I’m a tight hawk.” Maintaining our technological superiority has enabled us to keep relatively low force levels without excessive risks. The economic component of our National Security Strategy is equally indispensable to the military component. The Executive Branch, the Congress and industry must be partners with the services in building force capabilities that are the bridge between our current and future forces. When I chaired the Acquisition Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I worked very hard with my colleagues to be sure that we did not squander the “seed corn” of future weapons that we would need to defend our nation and to provide for our troops.”

These are but a few quotes that are from his Website, Please go there NOW!


Gun Owners of America Endorse NH Senator Bob Smith

Smith on 2nd Amendment

If GO America endorses him that is good enough for me!

bob smith concert1

Senator Brown isn’t getting the Live Free or Die stuff! Bob Smith has always got it! See below. I spent a good part of an hour with Senator Smith and he gets it BIG TIME on the Second Amendment.

WHAT PART OF THE LANGUAGE DON’T LIBERALS UNDERSTAND! Here is his Campaign Hat! This one is mine and personally signed by Bob!

Smith Hat

Now how do we win! See and hear the Senator in Rochester, NH and have a great time

bob smith concert