My Nikon Scope Repair – Follow-up

Last evening a package was left by a mail carrier that confirmed that this was the scope repair package. Upon opening the package I found a brand new scope instead. It is a 2×7 32mm and estimate its value at around $130 to $150 retail. It is what I purchased years ago.DSC_0165


The scope has been updated with hand adjusted 1/4 moa adjustments

Thank you Nikon!

Tricks for keeping your mouth from drying out while hunting

Yes, it is that time of year. The Pussy Wiilow’s then the tree pollen. I take some over the counter remedies that address both the allergy and the nasal drip. I have constant issues where my vocal cords need to be cleared so I want to cough to clear them or emit a guttural tone to move the congested material away. Doing that while hunting does not bode well for noises that wild game can hear in the woods, that is,  if you ever see any game with such noises of constantly clearing your throat.

Sucking on lozenges can help but some tart lozenges can put an odor in the air that may alert game. Be sure to bring liquids to drink but the best thing I have found to keep from coughing is to bring tart apples with you, like a granny Smith but any apple will do in a pinch. Take a bite and tuck it in your cheeks like chewing tobacco.The tart pectin will bath your vocal cords and thin out any salivary congestion.  Slice some and put it in a baggie or just keep the whole apple and bite a hunk off every now and again.

So what if you do not have an apple?

You can chew green white pine needles or fresh fir tips, I have and it works and you get some vitamin c too (spit out the chewed needles). You can also chew tea-berry leaves and tea-berries as I called them as a boy, you find here in NH called Wintergreen.


Note: Wintergreen is said to have medicinal properties like aspirin. I often chew and suck on the leaves which have a mint taste. Little did I know that I was tasting wild medicine.

Once you study up on wild edible things that the forest offers you will be a better woodsman and hunter. I have eaten “common clover” which has a lemon taste and can aid in soothing your throat. See the web site below for plant Identification.

To Bowkill a Whitetail Deer

Oct 2004 Deer

A little basket rack from my back yard some years back.

To make a killing shot on a whitetail deer with a bow and arrow requires lots of skill and practice and lots of patience. As a former International Bowhunter Education instructor I have had many students that shoot 3D archery and say that they kill deer at 40 and 50 yards all the time on the 3D course. So why not when it is real? First and foremost, a 3D target is not a real live living thing that moves and breaths. Second, the angle is often not ideal in 3D for an anatomically correct shot. And third, if you think a deer is going to wait for you to kill it, think again. Deer can, and have, ducked an arrow if its senses know that danger is at hand. It is the unaware deer that is easier to kill. Having said that, 3D archery is about as close as you are going to come to the real thing and brings  you half way. Judging distance and angles a vegetation are great aids in the learning process. So keep going to 3D shoots and practice knowing that without the fight/flight mechanism you are partly there in this skill set to bowkill a whitetail deer. What is missing is the coming of dawn, climbing into a tree in the darkness, hearing your heartbeat,  little noise from you or your banging and clanging as you get in a real tree stand, real deer, adrenaline, razor sharp broadheads and a bow that has been tuned with broadheads. Or the onset of darkness having to do it all in reverse.

As a human that is about to launch an arrow at a living thing, something different happens to us that has intensity that cannot be felt elsewhere unless death is upon us. And that does not happen with an inanimate object like a 3D target. Our fight or flight mechanism kicks in with a load of adrenaline, breathing can become labored and in many cases the “shakes” take over your body uncontrollably, especially in new bow hunters that have little experience with an actual kill. In some cases the shakes are so violent that early hunters have fallen from tree stands before the advent of safety harnesses.  In some cases hunters will vomit in a post shot environment due to the intensity of the situation, I have experienced this many years ago with too  much adrenaline where an 8 point buck was walking towards me at 20 yard and closing the gap with intent to kill me. I had a Muzzle Loader and killed him instead. Most of us move through that phase, still shake a bit, but with control practice, can still make the shot. Hunting where there is game aplenty will give you this experience. If there was no adrenaline, the hunter would not hunt except to provide food. It is the intensity of the moment with the adrenaline that for most, keeps hunters coming back whether with gun or bow. Some believe more so with bow because often you can see the deer, its eyes, ears and hear your heart beat all at the same time you draw your bowstring to send a razor sharp arrow toward its vitals. As my friend Peter Hathaway Capstick ( Death in the Long Grass) elucidates from his heavenly perch; Something is going to die! In Peter’s case as a dangerous game  hunter, the hunter could die if he or she did not do its job correctly.

Shot placement is key to a quick and humane kill so I have found a website that has an interactive site that aids in shot placement. Two of the scenarios, one at a running deer and the other, a frontal shot are to be avoided at all costs unless the deer is wounded. Without further adieu give this website a try:

If you want to experience this in a real simulated situation, run 200 yards and while huffing and puffing to simulate adrenaline, then take the test. I did not run, but scored 95 out of 100. How bout you? Can you beat my score?



Wild Turkey Chili


Southwestern Chipotle-Molasses Wild Turkey Chili – By Ed Hale




Oh my “G” so delicious! This is a recipe that makes use of a hunters lean Wild Turkey and chipotle chili powder adds a southwestern flair and less of the hot cayenne pepper. The chipotle chili is roasted and has a smoky roasted flavor already.

3 strips of smoked bacon, chopped (I used hickory smoked)

2 pounds of ground turkey

1 tsp fresh-ground black pepper (pepper mill)

½ tsp kosher salt

2 large sweet onions, chopped

1 large green bell pepper, chopped

6 cloves of garlic, minced

1½ tbsp. chili powder

3/4 tsp chipotle chili powder

1 tbsp. whole cumin seed

2 tsp dried thyme

1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp dry Coleman’s mustard

½ tsp cayenne pepper

1 28 oz. can crushed plum tomatoes in puree

1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

2 tbsp. molasses

2 16 oz. can drained light red kidney beans the other can use dark red kidney beans


To begin use a large pot capable of holding 4 quarts.  Cook the chopped bacon so that the fat begins to render.


Add the ground turkey to the pot and add salt and pepper and the vegetables.


Cook, stir and break clumps of the turkey for 12 minutes till the turkey is no longer pink.  Add the spices; I add them to a small bowl ahead of time so I can pour into the pot when ready.


Add the tomatoes, Worchester sauce, and molasses with three cups water. Bring to a fast boil and simmer, covered for 1 hour.


Add the beans and continue to simmer uncovered for 30 minutes or so.


This is ready to serve but I believe it tastes best if it rests for a few hours or overnight. Adjust the liquid and chili spices for heat and salt. This recipe freezes very well too. I would have the chipotle chili powder on the table along with salt pepper and cayenne for those that want it really spicy. I found out that the spices tend to intensify.



Serve hot with shredded cheddar cheese, a dollop of Sour Cream and garnish with fresh Cilantro or your favorite garnish. Serves 8.


ENJOY! © 2015




A Friend in State Line Guns… Plaistow, NH

I have been a friend of Gene Rochette and the folks at State Line Guns, Ammo and Archery for many years. State Line is my local friendly firearms FFL dealer who is my source for receiving and testing products for New Hampshire Rifleman Magazine and they are expert at assisting gun enthusiasts and folks looking to protect their home with a broad range of firearms from Pistols to Rifles and all the accessories you need for either hunting or protection. See their website below. Tell Gene, I sent you!

Ed Hale (127)

Scouting for Tom Turkey

Today after a morning rain the sun came out and brought a delicious taste of spring with it. My new used hunting truck (a 2001 F150 Lariat) had some more work done to fix the rust-out of my radiator frame, now all new (yea it cost me but it was worth it)  so I took it on a Turkey scouting trip and went a little off-road with it. Nice and solid when off road. Nice!


Just like in deer hunting you look for food sources, mating areas, and in the case of Turkeys you look for roosting areas. I carried my .243 Win in case a coyote was spotted.


I struck pay dirt and found great turkey sign. I was able to leave my jacket in the truck. The peepers in every swamp puddle was going bananas making that wonderful springtime noise. The NHFG department believes there are approximately 40,000 turkeys now in New Hampshire. Opening day is May 3 thru 31st for Gobbler season. Be sure to pattern your shotgun and load. Ok this paper turkey is dead as the head and spine are engulfed in shot at 30 yards.


I located a few trees to sit against and where the turkeys appeared to be moving.

Get ready and be sure to spray your clothes with Permethrin to ward off ticks and let them fully dry before wearing them. I have a friend that has been so bitten that he is afraid to go out, but he did not use Permethrin. I swear by it! It works! You still need to do a tick check!



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Letter from Senator Ayotte on M855 Green Tip Ammo

From: Senator Kelly Ayotte []

Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 4:09 PM
Subject: Reply from Senator Ayotte


April 8, 2015

Dear Mr. Hale:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’  recent publication, titled “ATF Framework for Determining Whether Certain Projectiles are ‘Primarily Intended for Sporting Purposes’ Within the Meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(c).”  I appreciate hearing from you.

As you know, the ATF recently issued guidance on the sale of M855/SS109 “green tip” ammunition, used in the AR-15 rifle.  The Gun Control Act of 1986 currently prohibits the importation of ammunition with the ability to pierce armor, unless it is used by the government or for testing purposes.  The M855 has a lead core with a steel tip.  It is not listed on ATF’s list of armor piercing classified rounds, and has previously fallen under an exemption because it is “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes.”  However, the publication that ATF released on February 13, 2015, proposed to narrow the legal definition of sporting preferences to two smaller categories, which would exclude the previously-exempt M855 ammunition.

I share the concerns of many Granite Staters that the ATF’s proposed rule would effectively ban the sale of M855 ammunition and render the AR-15 rifle unusable.  That is why I joined my Senate colleagues to send a letter to ATF Director Todd Jones voicing strong objection to ATF’s framework.  As New Hampshire’s former Attorney General, I worked closely with the state’s law enforcement community, whose safety during their daily jobs is of utmost concern.  Yet, ATF’s proposal would have created arbitrary parameters for determining ammunition that qualifies for the sporting purposes exemption in the 1986 law.

On March 10, 2015, ATF announced its decision not to implement a ban on M855 ammunition due to overwhelming opposition the proposal received from 52 Senators, 238 House Members, and over 80,000 public comments.  A formal decision is expected from the Justice Department, as well, once all comments have been processed.

As a strong supporter of the individual right to keep and bear arms for law-abiding citizens, please be assured that I will continue to support Granite Staters’ Second Amendment rights.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me.  It is important for me to hear from you regarding the current issues affecting New Hampshire and our nation. Please do not hesitate to be in touch again if I may be of further assistance.


Kelly A. Ayotte
U. S. Senator





Basically she said she signed the letter to ATF voicing strong objection to the M855 ban. Very Good! What she did not say was that this is still a slipery slope and Loretta Lynch could support the ban as new head of the Justice Department. Did you call your Senator? The argument presented by ATF could be filled by most big game ammo, thus leaving you and I to throw rocks and say baaaaaa.

Wind, Rifle Bullets and Max Point Blank Range

An area that the deer hunter or shooter must be concerned about when shooting a rifle at longer distances is the fact that the bullet is going to rise and drop above and below the intended bullet path and that the wind will also blow the bullet left or right as the distance increases. The kill zone circle for a whitetail deer is approximately 6 inches therefore a skilled hunter can calculate using JBM Software the point where the bullet does not exceed 3 inches above or 3 inches below the bullseye. We call this Max Point Blank Range (MPBR).  As an example my .243 Winchester bullet is a Sierra 100 grain Pro-Hunter spitzer that can be chosen from the first drop down menu on the screen which includes the Ballistic Coefficient already. I have chrono’d the bullet at 2820 fps and enter that as Muzzle Velocity.

At the bottom of the software screen are boxes that you can check such as Zero at MPBR so it is calculated automatically for you.  The MPBR calculated is 272 yards but the wind at 10 mph at 90º and will blow the bullet off course by 7.5 inches. What do you do then? Your bullet will exceed the 3 inch radius and make a poor shot. Knowing the wind direction and practicing at knowing wind speed can help make this shot possible. If the wind is blowing from left to right you will hold to the left by an estimated 7 inches (an educated guess) at the 9 o’clock position thus the bullet will strike the center of the kill zone. Practice, Practice and Practice. If you have the opportunity to wait for the  wind to momentarily subside then wait. Trees and leaves can tell you lots about the wind speed.  Those who study wind say that if smoke or steam rises vertically wind is 0 to 1 mph; wind shows slight smoke or steam is 2-3 mph but not enough to move leaves; wind that is felt on your face and leaves rustle is 4 to 7 mph; leaves and twigs in constant motion and extends a light flag is 8 to 12 mph. If small branches are moving on trees then you are above 12 mph.

What is critical here is the angle of the wind as it relates to your shot. If the wind is blowing toward you or toward your target then the shot will likely be less affected by wind.  It will be helpful to create a chart for your rifle that shows drop tables and wind deflection that you can tape to your rifle or carry with you in the field. Below is the resulting chart for the .243 Winchester demonstrating the wind effect at 275 yards is 7.5 inches otherwise the wind will push your MPBR to an adjusted 175 yard max shot based on a 10 mph wind where wind deflection is 2.9 inches.

Yes wind can really throw you off target so remember to practice. Other factors include bullet speed and energy below. For deer we need around 1000 ft-lbs and 2000 fps making the max shot here at 272 yards as well. Hope this helps! © 2015



Nikon Scope Initial Repair Experience

Shooting friends, I was in the deer woods last year with my Muzzle Loader and discovered my favorite Nikon ProStaff 2-7 x 32mm rifle scope was fogging up inside the lens when the temperature change from house to cold deer woods. It surely restricted my shooting to around 30 yards or less. I shot rifles with this scope all the previous summer in warm weather where water could not condense so it was not an issue.

Ok so today I went on line and found a Nikon web site and phone number and had to listen to the menu. I pushed option 5 for repair and was given instruction  to send back but nothing about warranties and no human being so I hung up and redialed the same number and hit option 4 all other products and got a man who had a western US accent, and was familiar with my Scope. Said my issue was likely an o-ring and lost nitrogen. It was covered under lifetime warranty after owning since 2009 or so but took all my info and the serial # of the scope and updated his file as I was not registered with the scope, I was registered with a camera however. A very pleasant experience…thus far.

I was given instructions via email to pack it up in a larger box than original with bubble wrap and send it for repair which I have not done yet. Turn around is 7 to 10 days.

Stay Tuned…

Lesson learned: I was lucky I was near home!  If you are going to hunt far away in cold weather, put your scope in the freezer for a few hours to simulate a cold day to see if water vapor has entered the scope and fogs up.  That might help prevent a bad hunting experience. Can you imagine seeing the buck of a lifetime and having a fogged up scope? A bad dream for sure… I might just do that yearly with all my scopes that get exposed to cold and rain but do it near the time to hunt with that scope….© 2105