Arrow Hit Where On The Deer?

So you shot at a deer with Bow/Crossbow. It all happened so fast and you are not sure if the hit was in the vitals or in the gut. Here is an indicator wrap or a wipe (if you dislike the wrap) to tell you the kind of hit that was made. Wipe the arrow and it changes color. This helps you plan for a recovery of game, to follow now or wait hours or overnight before following up. I like the idea and I will likely buy the wipe type indicator for this fall.

We all want to recover and eat the game we hunt, here is a tool that can help.

Good Hunting!

Hunting Arrows: Professional Looking Name and Address? And More…

Can it be true that after years of using a Sharpie to write my name and address on my New Hampshire hunting arrows, there is a Professional solution? Yes!!!

A company called ArrowSocks, located in the UK, makes professional permanent labels for arrows/bolts for target or hunting.

ArrowSocks Micro Labels

You can enter your name, address and zip and they will make 70 permanent micro labels that you can place between fletching like in the above photo or vanes or anywhere on your arrow. Cost? Less than $10 bucks. Mine cost $6 dollars and took 2 weeks. They go on easy and look great!

For those who want decorative designer wraps (I have not tried) there are several companies too.

One of the wraps you can place on your arrow can instantly indicate a vital hit or gut shot. Never tried it but sounds like a great tool for bowhunters. 

GutCheck Arrow Wrap Indicators

More companies on cool designer arrow wraps below. ( I have not tried)

Have Fun! Check it out!

Good Hunting!



Stealth-Cam 4-IN-1 SD & Micro Card Reader for Apple I Phone

I have a new Browning Trail Camera. Nice! But I did not want to pay for the tiny view screen. I chose to purchase a Stealth Cam® SD card reader (for IOS devices $30) for my Apple phone which is in a protected case. The case of my I phone prevented the connector for the IOS device from  engaging in my phone. I was frustrated that I would have to take my phone out of its case to  make the connection. So I called Stealth Cam and they sent me a free 4-IN-1 SD reader (normally $29.99) instead that has an Apple connector that is slim (see it below)  and can make the connection even though the Apple phone is in a protected case.

Instructions were clear. I had to go to my Apple Store and download i-Brary-Link software and follow the steps. Inserting your trail cam SD card.

4-in-1 SD Card Reader by Stealth Cam LARGE

I was able to see all of my Trail Camera Images on my I-Phone instantly.

The other connectors with this 4-IN-1 reader were for USB and other brand phones.

So I was able to finally read my SD card in the field and save the images.

I wrote this as a word to the wise to avoid the IOS reader with the aforementioned plug issue for I-phones in cases. Instead get the 4-IN-1 Reader below for I-phones in  protective cases.

Hope that helps!

Good Hunting!








Lost Art Of The Still-Hunter? Are you up for it?

The lost art of still- hunting. Can you see these deer? I found some but not all. Maybe you are better?

Holy Mackerel! Did you find the deer?

Wide open spaces website above.

From website

Moving slowly ahead without making sounds to alarm game and taking time to absorb every aspect in front of you before taking the next step. I was trained to look for deer parts, ears, eyes, tail and brown that looks different growing out of the side of a tree!  Yes movement is big, but a buck can stand motionless seemingly forever. 

Smelling the air coming toward you too, during the rut a buck’s tarsal gland can be smelled. What often separates successful ground (still-hunters) hunters from those who are not, is woods knowledge. Knowledge of wind direction, finding tracks, bedding areas,  scat and rubs and aging them, finding food sources to key on in different parts of the season. Finding patterns that suggest that an animal uses a particular trail is essential. If you see a buck rub on a tree on the downhill side of a tree on a hillside, was the deer likely going up before sun-up or going down. If you said up, then you are correct. 


If you practice with your bow and gun and shoot well, is that enough?  I have an acquaintance that is an excellent shot but he has never harvested a deer, ever. He is not alone.

What about the behavior of the game you are hunting?

What about foods they like and where to find them? Example: What is the difference between hunting over a white oak tree giving acorns and a nearby red oak tree giving acorns?

Which would you choose?

The deer will always choose white oak acorns because they are less acidic and deliciously edible right away. It is like finding an apple tree with apples in forest of fir. What is the keenest sense that both deer and bear possess? Is it their sense of hearing, sense of smell, sense of sight. What?

Do you use your own nose to smell breakfast cooking from your bunk or bedroom? Do you have to see it or hear bacon sizzle to know that bacon is cooking? No!

It is your sense of smell!

If I had to bet money on a deer’s senses, smell will always win. 

Wind thermals will rise through the morning and settle in the afternoon. Taking advantage of wind is essential in still-hunting for deer.  Bucks will often bed high enough to catch the wind rising in the morning. Get there before! And bucks will follow the wind down at dusk and let the does go first. They are alarm bells!

All of us are guilty of trying to shortcut the wind using the same trail to get in and out of a blind or deer stand. That is a key downfall and it has gotten me busted.

I know another very successful friend who is always in his tree stand at least an hour before shooting light and pays attention to smell with a passion. Details Details… Yes they count! His scent is above the deer!

Trail cameras are great but they are worthless if your smell betrays your presence to a nearby bedded deer.

Perhaps reading this brief article, you found yourself thinking about a past seasons hunt and the good and not so good choices. If that is so, then it has served its purpose and mine too. Learning to not make the same mistakes. You get a do-over next season!


Good Hunting! Thanks to the above websites we learn!

© 2019 All Rights Reserved


Crossbow Targets – Some Thoughts

Let me break bow/crossbow portable targets into two categories, bagged targets for field points and block like foam targets which can be used for both field points and broadheads. Bag targets often cost less and foam types often cost much more. What do you really need?

Bag type targets such as the Morrell Crossbow Yellow Jacket YJ-425 are cost effective $30 to $40 dollars for field points and the arrow/bolts are easy to remove.

Morrell Yellow Jacket YJ-425 Field Point Bag Archery Target - for Crossbows and Compound Bows. Packaging may vary


On-line customer comments say it can handle 400 fps crossbow bolts. Wow! Cost effective and easy to remove the arrow? I like that! Most foam targets really hold on to your arrow and significant effort is often needed to retrieve the arrow.

Foam type targets on the other hand, are great for both field points and broadheads but they often cost up to 2 or 4 times more than bag targets and the arrows are harder to pull out of the foam blocks.  The advantage of this target however is that “one target does it all”.

Example: The BLOCK Vault below does it all for $95 dollars. But you often will have a tougher time removing arrows and in some cases you will need an bolt/ arrow puller for fast bolts stuck deep.

Block Vault 4-Sided Archery Target with Polyfusion Technology - Available in 4 Sizes!



Many quality foam and bag type targets are rated these days, e.g. 300 350, 400 450 fps etc., so look for the speed rating!

This summer I will likely purchase a very cost effective field point bag target for general target practice. I have 2 foam block targets now but hate to pull the arrows out!

Hope that helps!





New Excalibur Takedown Crossbows and Cases?

Take it from me, its worth checking out these new TD crossbows like the Assassin 400 but there is so much more… Wow!

. I will try to get one this coming spring to test.

If you are in the market for a compact crossbow that is designed to be a takedown model and the bow portion easily reassembled, take a hard look at Excalibur’s new 2020 TD crossbows that can be assembled and disassembled in seconds and still maintain their accuracy.

The new 2020 Excalibur TD (takedown crossbows) with QUICKLock™ technology are here and reassemble/un-assemble in seconds such as the Excalibur Assassin TD, Suppressor, or the Micro 360 TD.


A softcase to store the crossbow is available. The only thing they need is a hard crossbow case that can be ordered separately for air travel. My guess is that a hardcase is in the works.


Check it out!

Good Hunting!





Crossbow Hunting – Gone Wild!


Barnett Whitetail Hunter II Crossbow | Shoots 350 FPS | Includes 4x32 scope, rope cocking device, light weight quiver & two 20 inch Headhunter arrows

Barnett Whitetail Hunter II

First and foremost, as millions of bow/gun hunters get into their senior years, like me, they have difficulty with shoulders, arms, muscles and even eyes thus pulling and holding a traditional bow or compound bow more difficult as compared to the crossbow which still employs stick and string and razor sharp broadheads.

Hunting is not just a pass-time for me, it is a way of life. And for millions of Americans too. We eat the animals we harvest. Wild game meat is the quintessential organic meat, no additives, no hormones. In today’s international food markets that is a very important lesson in raising a family. Safe meat to eat!

The hunter that loves the bow and broadhead will gravitate to the crossbow as prices vary widely from introductory to advanced hunter/shooters from say $300 to $600 and far above. Below the Ravin R29 Crossbow; Cost $2549. Among a long list of other great manufacturers

Secondly, the technology of Crossbows is in the midst of a revolution with advanced space age material recurves, compound and reverse compound technology for faster and quieter crossbows. Crank like devices to cock and decock your crossbow, quiet technology to silence the oft louder noise that crossbows make. Rifle like scopes are the norm today with crosshairs and distance hash marks. See the PSE crossbow below Cost $295.00.

Coalition® Crossbow

Companies that dealt with just traditional and compound bows realized perhaps that they were losing market share too so they embraced the changes and here we are today. Other companies were always in love with crossbows and led the way.

The crossbow is more in line with a rifle once cocked and loaded. Yes the hunter still has to cock the crossbow, but for most hunters that can be accomplished with some effort or with a string cocking device. See the Excalibur crossbow below


Speeds of 300 plus feet per second are the norm and 400 plus fps are at the higher end. Energies delivered are often in the 80 and 90 ft-lbs that can harvest all North American Game with common sense distances attributed to today’s compound bows with a skilled shooter/hunter. Many larger species including elephant have fallen to a well placed broadhead from a crossbow.

Crossbows From Small Game to Elephants

Arrow and broadhead technology has advanced as well bringing newly designed carbon fiber arrows, broadheads and illuminated knocks to see where the arrow struck. This fast paced technology is just mind boggling. The Rage™ mechanical broadhead left and Lumenock™ nocks that illuminate for examples. Note that I do not advocate these as I have not tested them. I do favor fixed blade broadheads.

RAGE Hypodermic Trypan Titanium Broadhead 100 Grain 2" CutLumenok Lumen-Arrow 20-Inch Carbon Bolts with Crescent Bolt End (3-Pack), Green

What is important to know , for me at least, is that crossbows are leapfrogging the technology from year to year making a three year old model seem ancient.

A must for me in New Hampshire is that the crossbow can easily be cocked and de-cocked in the woods or at the beginning or end of your hunting day without having to shoot an arrow into a target making a racket. Or have to shoot a heavy de-cocking arrow at days end.

There are numerous websites for you to research. Just enter your thoughts on your favorite search engine. It is just Wild out there!!

Good Hunting!

©2019 All Rights Reserved


Christmas: Outdoor Stocking Stuffers

I really like the Survival Kit. A One stop cost effective find!

Space Blanket

First Aid Kit

Purify Water

Pocket Knife

Emergency Fire Starter

survival gear kit

Multi survival tool




Lighted Crossbow Arrow Nock Kit Kurfuffle

Today’s crossbows really throw and arrow so fast that they are often hard to see in dim light when deer hunting. Some on-line adds for lighted nocks peaked my interest for my crossbow arrow/bolts, particularly Luminok™.  I bought a pack of three for 30 dollars for my Easton Firebolt Diablo bolts (EXCF) and tried to install them but the hard part wasn’t the Lumenok it was the epoxied aluminum inserts in my Easton Carbon shaft. No matter what I did they did not come out.  Heating with water and pulling and/or the 1/8th steel rod failed and I damaged arrows too… a kurfuffle to be sure.

Lumenok EXCF Flat Lighted Crossbow Nock


The best solution, for safety sake, and far less frustration is for us to buy the “same exact arrow and length” already professionally fitted with Lumenok’s. Below is what I should have bought! Lesson learned!

Be sure to measure your Front of Center (FOC) for the broadhead weight you shoot because the Lumenok is heavier on the wrong end. I bought some 5 grain brass arrow washers to add to my 100 grain broadhead if needed. Cheap but valuable for moving FOC to the front.

Good Luck and Good Hunting!

© 2019



Crossbow or Bow: Sometimes Deer Jump The String? Updated

Campfire Talk: I have read many articles on deer jumping the string (ducking the arrow) over the years. Some because the arrow made a whizzing  noise from helical feathers on a traditional bow. Others because the bow or crossbow made a thump, whack or bang noise. Others because the arrow was so slow that the deer could see the arrow coming. And finally, it is a great excuse, if you miss! 

My compound bow killed deer were taken from a treestand and around 20 or so yards. None jumped the string! All could hear the bow-shot thwack.

That said, I ran into this fun-to-read article below by American Hunter written by Bill Winke on the “Science of String Jumping” written back in 2010. As the bow is fired, some deer instinctively duck and the arrow sails over the deer’s back.

The lesson I take away is “arrow speed trumps bow noise” for closer shots say 20 yards or less. At 30 yards other experts calculate hold low on the heart, if the deer drops then you are high in the lungs. If the deer does not drop then you have a heart shot. A winning approach. Maybe! 

So it is speed that Bill says is all important not necessarily the quieter bow. Quiet does help. How much? I like a muffled thwack not a hard bang. I think the unnatural bang sound from today’s crossbows can spook other nearby deer more than a muffled thwack.  But if the deer is close, say 20 yards, then it does not matter, the arrow is already there.

The video below demonstrates this lack of deer jumping at close range with Lumenok™ arrows.  Few really jumped the string in this video! The Lumenok tells the story! I ordered some of these lumenok’s for my crossbow arrows. But also purchased some brass washers to add to my arrows Front of Center FOC weight to account for the Lumenok weight. 

Food for thought!

Good Hunting!