Today tree stands get taller, and I keep getting older. The other day my friend and I beat ourselves up getting my Muddy Excursion 17 ft Stand up, or not so up. The tree was the best of several we observed near a deer trail. We are not as spry deer hunters as days gone by, accordingly we had to work smarter not harder. We left the stand down and I reconnoitered a solution back at home on the internet.
Muddy sells a hand crank hoist and 25 ft strap that can ratchet hoist-up my stand. I bought one. It is on the way so we will have it soon to report on. Below is a helpful video of it but would use two people instead of one. Safety is key.
I used this hoist yesterday and it worked like a charm and made it very easy with 2 people. Some hunters hoist solo (alone). Be safe! Just be sure the ladder is not on a slope because the stand platform and seat will tip forward (not level). Or you can buy a leveler for your ladder base if that tree is your only choice. I like my Muddy tree stand and Muddy hoist. I also purchased snap-on pins for fast disconnect. Tree Stand Snap Pins – Muddy Outdoors (
Here in Southern NH it is early June and the deer ticks aka black leg tick that carry several very serious diseases, such as Lyme Disease, are very active. A 15 minute walk on our back lawn near woods produced 5 deer ticks on my wife and dog. My pants were sprayed with permethrin thus none crawled on me.
The primary disease they can carry is Lyme Disease but here in NH the diseases according to NH DHHS include:
Lyme disease (most common reported tickborne disease)
Powassan virus and
Borrelia miyamotoi.
Symptoms (from NH DHHS)
Many tickborne diseases will present, at first, with nonspecific symptoms that may include:
Malaise (not feeling well),
Muscle and joint pain, and
Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).
Some may also present with other systemic (body systems) symptoms, such as:
Cardiovascular, and
Gastrointestinal symptoms.
Powassan virus infection, in particular, can progress to meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the brain and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord).
About 10% of Powassan encephalitis cases are fatal (cause death).
About half of those who survive the clinical disease have permanent neurological sequelae (nervous system injury/damage).
As an Outdoorsman, I am acutely aware, but these ticks are sneaky, and I have been bitten several times. Luckily, I discovered them early or took a prescribed medicine by pill such as Doxycycline to destroy the bacteria.
My primary defense is awareness, and to spray clothing and shoes/sneakers with Permethrin. You can buy it as a spray in the camping section of most department stores. And when inside, change clothes and do a tick check in front of a mirror.
Also you can put suspect clothing in a dryer for say 20 minutes or so to kill the ticks.
I bought this 21.5 ft boat “The Americana” and trailer on-line via POP-Yachts.They were great.
The process was straight forward, see pictures and boat specs, make a bid. Once accepted, a formal marine survey was performed by an independent expert. Then using an escrow account money was deposited and then closing.
The boat arrived from Florida just as I hoped, in perfect condition. I used Interstate Haulers to haul my boat north. Also great! The driver gave progress reports as the boat was driven north.
I inspected my new boat, and compared identical with the dozens of photos on pop-yachts website. I was so pleased.
The gas tank is 80 gallons and at 5 bucks a gallon that’s an expensive fill-up.
Having registered the boat and trailer, my wife and I took the boat out. She purred like a kitten when I turned the ignition key and the Evinrude 250 hp performed very well at speeds just under 50 mph and at trolling speeds. Going out again to fish with my son in a few days.
On May 3rd, 2022, My hunting friend Ken Wenzel heard a gobble before shooting light in Fremont, New Hampshire. He set up with his back to a large tree near where the gobble was heard and began a series of clucks at dawn. It wasn’t long when…
His True Story – “When calling for Toms be on the look-out for Bobcats. 5/3/2022 I hear a gobble at 5:17 AM. I close the distance half way from the Tom. I get set up and start to call.
No response from the Tom.
I made some more calls with no luck. Spent maybe 5 to 10 minutes on my set up.
All of a sudden I’m charged by a bobcat. He or she was coming, at a good clip, towards me. (Editor – thinking he was breakfast)
It realized I wasn’t a turkey and locked up the brakes, skidded about about 2 maybe 3 feet in the leaves and smashed into my left boot and leg. Then the cat did a 180 and threw a rooster tail of leaves at me trying to get away. It stops 4 feet from me thinking what the hell is that. I yelled and it just kept looking at me.
I had to shoot over the cat to scare it away.
Still stayed there looking at me.
A few minutes later it did walk off. What a wild and scary moment I had.
No injury to the cat or myself.
Be careful out there guys. I’ll remember this day for sure. I do have 5 bobcats in my area that I have pictures of in the last 3 years. “
I was recently made aware of a new International Big Game Fishing Web-Booking Outfitter. We spoke on the phone and corresponded via email.
Just click on FishTravel. and see what is offered. Check it out!
A website where you can book a USA or World Wide big game fishing trip with assurance that you are going to get what you paid for.
Last year I booked a fishing trip out of Islamorada, Florida but I did not know about this FishTravel Outfitter. I had to do a lot of research on my own to find the right boat, captain, location, fish to go after, etc.
Here, FishTravelmakes it look easy and provide details including lunch, and can even fillet your catch…all inclusive.
FishTravel, does all the leg work for you. You just go fish knowing the boat, the captain, the fish and the expertise to get you on big fish are prequalified. Costs appear very reasonable. You just need to get there for the fishing date and time.
You can even use my code NHRFISH and get $15 off when you book.
Honestly, I fussed and researched quite a bit before purchasing my new USA Made Crossbow. My goal was to purchase a fast and accurate, cost effective crossbow, with a crank cock decock system. I did not want to fuss with shooting my bow at my truck after a day of hunting, I wanted an easy way to decock it. Note: In New Hampshire law, crossbows cannot travel cocked in your vehicle.
My new Ten Point Turbo S1 is for all intent a 400 fps (390 fps actual) Crossbow with built in ACUSlide cock and decock system for the crossbow. This crossbow breaks into the “best of the best” category with features costing $2000 or more. MSRP is around $1299 to $1399.
I purchased the crossbow at my local crossbow shop Wyvern Creations,LLC in Lee, New Hampshire. Wyvern is operated by David Wilkins. David just sells crossbows and you can find Wyvern on the web too. See below.
A must have feature for me on this crossbow is the cock/decock mechanism to minimize back and shoulder strain from repeated shots with a rope cocking method. I like this brand new 2021/2022 design as the cock and decock mechanism is not an add-on, it is part of the bow stock. Some 2019 models are still being sold, but I prefer the newer design I have purchased.
. Dave gave me personal instruction too, and three 100 grain Killzone mechanical broadheads with 2 inch cutting diameter. And a sling too.
The Micro-Trac barrel, the advertisement says, is one of the best and reduces string contact by 50% providing long string life. The barrel is machined and not molded as some lesser models are. Molded barrels are said to be somewhat less accurate than the machined barrels but I have no experience with them so I am not a good source of info on molded barrels.
The RangeMaster Pro Variable Speed Scope has a dial for speed adjustment that you can see on the adjustable turret below and a red or green lighted pins. I like that in low light at dawn or dusk.
I adjusted the scope for 20 yards with 6 carbon arrow shots, then backed off to 30 yards and used the 30 yard pin. It was spot on! Then to 40 yards. It was spot on. The scope speed dial said 390 fps and that was proof as the dial adjusts the pin space.
The arrows are Pro Elite 400 Carbon Arrows (.003” straightness) and come with a detachable 3-Arrow Quiver that attaches parallel to the crossbow. I like that.
This new Killzone Rear Deployment broadhead (pack of 3) is said to open up to 2 inches and hit the same impact as field points. My test shows that they in fact do fly like the field points out to 40 yards where my test ended. I tried my 100 grain muzzy three blade and it hit 10 inches lower at the 390 speed setting at 40 yards.
My overall opinion of this crossbow out-of-the-box is excellent. Many others have reviewed this bow with similar excellent results.
I will hunt with this bow, maybe soon in turkey season. We shall see…
Here in New Hampshire it is unlawful to have a cocked crossbow in a vehicle even without an arrow on it.
Honestly, If you have hunted with a crossbow, then you know it is a pain to haul a crossbow target to shoot/unload your crossbow, Worse yet to keep a heavy and costly bolt to shoot into ground to unload it. My Excalibur Grizzly can be safely de-cocked with rope but loading it multiple times is not great for my back. Now manufacturers are creating user friendly cranking bows with de-cock capability like the Fury 410 DECOCK.
I have not shot one but have asked Wicked Ridge to send one to test for our readers.
Honestly, I am trying to find a larger boat but in the wake of COVID, used boat sales have gone bananas. Why a larger boat like 21 feet? Can you say family and grandkids! And deep sea fishing. Haddock will be biting and soon stripers will be here. We are looking at a used 2007 Key West 216 Center Console boat at the moment, and in the buying process.
At the same time my Labrador retriever, Bella, and I have begun retriever training. Yes me too!
And I am the home improvement contractor for my house. New furnace and bath shower, rebuilding porch rails. New fence in back yard soon. I am a busy guy! But there is time for Turkey hunting too if I plan well. Life is tough but, hey, someone has to do it!!
Never stalk a turkey. It rarely works and increases the risk of an accident.
Never wear red, white or blue or blackover- or under-clothing, because these are the prominent colors of displaying gobblers.
Never call from a tree that is thinner than the width of your shoulders. Small trees won’t hide slight movements of your hands or shoulders, which might look like a turkey to another hunter.
Never jump or turn suddenly in response to a suspected turkey. When turkey hunting, assume that every sound you hear is made by another hunter.
Never call from a site where you can’t see at least 40 yards in all directions.
Never imitate a gobbler call while concealed in a stand.
Never presume that what you hear or what responds to your call is a turkey.
Never think that your camouflage makes you totally invisible. To ID yourself to other hunters, wrap an orange band around a tree.
Never hide so well that you can’t see what’s happening around you.
Never move or wave to alert approaching hunters; shout “stop” instead.