New Hampshire Rifleman Introduces its new On-Line Store

We have had some t-shirts and high end embroidered hats made for us here at New Hampshire Rifleman Magazine. Now we are offering them to our readers.

The store allows readers to show some pride with a hat or shirt in a New Hampshire Magazine written for Sportsmen and Women and for hunting and shooting families.

Hunting and shooting after all are fun sports and get you out of the house, away from the TV and away from the trappings of electronic gadgets and phones. 


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About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.