National Shooting Sports Foundation on Outfitters and Guides by Ed Hale

Everyone I know that hunts, wants to hunt far away places and dreams of an Elk or Caribou Hunt or a Bear Hunt, Deer Hunt, Antelope Hunt or even an African Safari that I wrote a book on. That Said: In light of my recent experience, just don’t take a friends say so as I did. Please do your homework! I want the best for all of my readers!

I found that the NSSF at provides links to Outfitters and Guides. Click on Find an Outfitter and you will be transported to the American Guide and Outfitter Associations. If your prospective outfitter is not on that list then ask why?

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Below is the screen you go to when you click the Find an Outfitter in the above site. See that there is a Maine Professional Guides Association. Goals of the association include the hunter in providing a quality, ethical outdoor experience.

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I clicked on the Maine Professional Guides Association. See below. So you too can find a better hunt via these professional associations. If you go to an Outdoor Show ask to see their membership in these organizations and their involvement with them. Outfitters are given awards for the Outdoor Experiences they provide.

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Good Luck and Good Hunting in 2016.

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About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.