If you want to maximize your chances of seeing deer during deer season, then hunt where the deer are. Below is the QDMA Deer map at both the national level, state level and by county to see deer density. In New Hampshire, state wide there are less than 15 deer per square mile in most parts of the state according to the QDMA map below. The further north you go there is even less per square mile. The coast of NH is where the deer density is highest along with hard to hunt heavily posted land.
Deer hunters bring dollars to many far reaching towns. As the deer population is strictly managed at very low levels in some states, hunters find other places where game is more abundant and managed equally for hunting opportunities. QDMA (Quality Deer Management Association) is an organization that brings deer science to the forefront. I am not a member at this time but will consider a future opportunity.
NH Fish and Game provide a Hunter Harvest Summary that tells of where the deer are by past harvest records. http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/hunting/documents/2014-harvest-summary.pdf