Outdoor Camping: New Rockwood Mini-Lite – Made In The USA

My wife and I took the plunge and purchased a new USA Made 2022 RV, the Rockwood Mini-Lite Model 2104S for camping. We tented when we were young but now we will camp and travel in comfort and style.


2022 Forest River Rockwood Mini Lite 2104 S in Wilmington, NC

2021 Forest River Rockwood Mini Lite 2104S in Raleigh, NC


My  2021 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 tow capability is up to 6800 lbs. and set the stage for RV size. This RV dry weight is 4841 lbs. and can have a payload of up to 1933 lbs. We figure our load will be 600 lbs. or less for most travel. Our murphy bed is a short queen size and can be stowed to increase room. The U-Dinette converts to a long bed and is nearly a queen in width. We have a gas stove, microwave, fridge/freezer, TV, sink, bathroom and lots of storage. And outdoor mountable grill.

We will be in training for it next week and take it on our first New Hampshire camping trip soon, up in the NH lakes region. 

More soon…

USA Made or China Made?

Some folks, like myself, are trying to avoid purchasing from adversary countries, aka China, and prefer to buy USA goods. Sometimes you can’t.

Looking for USA made Outdoor products can be a daunting task when the majority of outdoor goods are made in Asia/China. If you are concerned and want to buy American then you are in luck for some gear.

Coleman makes some US made goods but majority appears to still be  Asia made.

When searching for goods, look to find where it is made.

The truth is USA businesses are still importing from China and you may not be able to avoid buying Asian/China goods. But stay at it. I found some alternatives. You can too.

In your Internet search bar use words like “USA made” does help some.

On Amazon you can read “answered questions” on a product and can give you a “where made”. I was able to sometimes find alternative goods but we are still forced to buy some China goods. 

Some US businesses are getting the message to seek other non adversarial manufacturers.  Example: I believe it is not “If”China invades Taiwan but “when”. And then we will be forces into change.

Start Now! You can do this!

Good Searching!


Tall Ladder Tree Stands Can Sometimes Be Hard To Put Up- But A Powerful Hand Crank Hoist May be Helpful -Updated

Today tree stands get taller, and I keep getting older. The other day my friend and I beat ourselves up getting my Muddy Excursion 17 ft Stand up, or not so up. The tree was the best of several we observed near a deer trail. We are not as spry deer hunters as days gone by, accordingly we had to work smarter not harder.  We left the stand down and I reconnoitered a solution back at home on the internet.

Muddy sells a hand crank hoist and 25 ft strap that can ratchet hoist-up my stand. I bought one. It is on the way so we will have it soon to report on. Below is a helpful video of it but would use two people instead of one. Safety is key.




I used this hoist yesterday and it worked like a charm and made it very easy with 2 people. Some hunters hoist solo (alone). Be safe! Just be sure the ladder is not on a slope because the stand platform and seat will tip forward (not level). Or you can buy a leveler for your ladder base if that tree is your only choice. I like my Muddy tree stand and Muddy hoist. I also purchased snap-on pins for fast disconnect. Tree Stand Snap Pins – Muddy Outdoors (gomuddy.com)

 Good Hunting! 





Beware! Deer Ticks in Southern New Hampshire Are Very Active

Here in Southern NH it is early June and the deer ticks aka black leg tick that carry several very serious diseases, such as Lyme Disease, are very active. A 15 minute walk on our back lawn near woods produced 5 deer ticks on my wife and dog. My pants were sprayed with permethrin thus none crawled on me. 


The primary disease they can carry is Lyme Disease but here in NH the diseases according to NH DHHS include:

  • Lyme disease (most common reported tickborne disease)
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Babesiosis
  • Powassan virus and
  • Borrelia miyamotoi.

Symptoms (from NH DHHS)

Many tickborne diseases will present, at first, with nonspecific symptoms that may include:

  • Fever,
  • Chills,
  • Malaise (not feeling well),
  • Headache,
  • Muscle and joint pain, and
  • Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).

Some may also present with other systemic (body systems) symptoms, such as:

  • Neurological,
  • Cardiovascular, and
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms.

Powassan virus infection, in particular, can progress to meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the brain and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord).

  •  About 10% of Powassan encephalitis cases are fatal (cause death).
  • About half of those who survive the clinical disease have permanent neurological sequelae (nervous system injury/damage). 

As an Outdoorsman, I am acutely aware, but these ticks are sneaky, and I have been bitten several times. Luckily, I discovered them early or took a prescribed medicine by pill such as Doxycycline to destroy the bacteria.  

My primary defense is awareness, and to spray clothing and shoes/sneakers with Permethrin. You can buy it as a spray in the camping section of most department stores. And when inside, change clothes and do a tick check in front of a mirror.

Also you can put suspect clothing in a dryer for say 20 minutes or so to kill the ticks. 

Stay Safe!

My 2007 Key West 216 Arrives in New Hampshire – Update

I bought this 21.5 ft boat “The Americana” and trailer on-line via POP-Yachts. They were great.

The process was straight forward, see pictures and boat specs, make a bid. Once accepted, a formal marine survey was performed by an independent expert. Then using an escrow account money was deposited and then closing. 

The boat arrived from Florida just as I hoped, in perfect condition. I used Interstate Haulers to haul my boat north. Also great! The driver gave progress reports as the boat was driven north. 

I inspected my new boat, and compared identical with the dozens of photos on pop-yachts website. I was so pleased.

The gas tank is 80 gallons and at 5 bucks a gallon that’s an expensive fill-up.

Having registered the boat and trailer, my wife and I took the boat out.  She purred like a kitten when I turned the ignition key and the Evinrude 250 hp performed very well at speeds just under 50 mph and at trolling speeds. Going out again to fish with my son in a few days. 


More soon…


New Big Game Fish Booking Site – FishTravel

I was recently made aware of a new International Big Game Fishing Web-Booking Outfitter. We spoke on the phone and corresponded via email. 

Just click on FishTravel. and see what is offered. Check it out! 

A website where you can book a USA or World Wide big game fishing trip with assurance that you are going to get what you paid for.

Last year I booked a fishing trip out of Islamorada, Florida but I did not know about this FishTravel Outfitter. I had to do a lot of research on my own to find the right boat, captain, location, fish to go after, etc.

Here, FishTravel makes it look easy and provide details including lunch, and can even fillet your catch…all inclusive. 

FishTravel, does all the leg work for you. You just go fish knowing the boat, the captain, the fish and the expertise to get you on big fish are prequalified. Costs appear very reasonable. You just need to get there for the fishing date and time.

You can even use my code NHRFISH and get $15 off when you book. 







De-cocking Crossbows great for New Hampshire Hunters – Enter Ten Point Wicked Ridge DECOCK Models

Here in New Hampshire it is unlawful to have a cocked crossbow in a vehicle even without an arrow on it. 

Honestly, If you have hunted with a crossbow, then you know it is a pain to haul a crossbow target to shoot/unload your crossbow, Worse yet to keep a heavy and costly bolt to shoot into ground to unload it. My Excalibur Grizzly can be safely de-cocked with rope but loading it multiple times is not great for my back.  Now manufacturers are creating user friendly cranking bows with de-cock capability like the Fury 410 DECOCK.

I have not shot one but have asked Wicked Ridge to send one to test for our readers.



New Hampshire is Wild: Wild Turkey Hunt Begins in May – Safety is Key

Many New Hampshire hunters have gotten bit by the turkey hunting bug.



Did you know New Hampshire Fish and Game says we have an estimated population  of 25000 turkeys! Wow!!

There are many web sites and YouTube videos that share techniques and use bow/crossbow or shotgun to bag your bird.

But Safety is prime.


Excerpt from the NH website above:

Turkey Hunting Safety
  1. Never stalk a turkey. It rarely works and increases the risk of an accident.
  2. Never wear red, white or blue or black over- or under-clothing, because these are the prominent colors of displaying gobblers.
  3. Never call from a tree that is thinner than the width of your shoulders. Small trees won’t hide slight movements of your hands or shoulders, which might look like a turkey to another hunter.
  4. Never jump or turn suddenly in response to a suspected turkey. When turkey hunting, assume that every sound you hear is made by another hunter.
  5. Never call from a site where you can’t see at least 40 yards in all directions.
  6. Never imitate a gobbler call while concealed in a stand.
  7. Never presume that what you hear or what responds to your call is a turkey.
  8. Never think that your camouflage makes you totally invisible. To ID yourself to other hunters, wrap an orange band around a tree.
  9. Never hide so well that you can’t see what’s happening around you.
  10. Never move or wave to alert approaching hunters; shout “stop” instead. 

Be Safe out There!


My New Glocks for Home and Conceal Carry

Below are my new Glocks, G19 Gen 5 in 9mm and G44 in .22LR.  I chose these Glocks because they are very reliable and essentially identical. The weight and caliber is different, but handling is the same and great for cross training.   

I purchased the .22LR – G44 at right for low recoil training for my wife. When she gets used to the .22, then we will train on the 9MM. Both pistols come with a lock, extra grips in medium and large. The 9mm comes with 3 clips and the .22 comes with two. 

I shot both Glocks (see the target below), just after purchase and shot CCI Mini-Mag .22’s and Remington 9mm FMJ ammo at 20 feet. If you look close, you can see the .22 and 9mm holes intermingled below the 10x ring. Not bad at all! My outdoor range was a sheet of ice to walk on, so I used just one target for both. 

I like the sights framed in white edging and can be seen clearly in darker shadows.

Glock OEM Adjustable Rear Sight SP05977 Gen 1-5Glock OEM Front Sight SP06956 Gen 1-5

The .22 pistol is lighter to handle. My wife is not an avid shooter at all, despite being married to  me for many decades. But now she is feeling fearful with large spikes in crime on TV and the need for her safety.

I already own a Kimber 1911 Pro Carry II for home protection, conceal carry. The size difference between my Kimber Pro Carry II in .45ACP  and the G19 Gen 5 in 9MM is very similar but the 45 has 8 shots and the G19 has 15 shots when fully loaded.

Weight-wise the difference between each gun when fully loaded is just 4.3 ounces, with the Kimber being a bit heavier.  The grip safety beavertail on the Kimber increases the length by an inch.

Which to carry depends on your abilities with each pistol and the kind of situations you believe to encounter. For a new shooter, as my wife is, training with a light recoiling .22 helps for confidence before using the 9mm. 

I will write more on these pistols in the near future. 

Good Shooting and Training!

© Copyright 2022





China Sporting Goods Dollars Sold in USA – Is China an Adversary? Yes! Updated

We all love a great deal, don’t we! What has been happening in the sporting goods market for accessories, is that there are billions of dollars to be made in archery and gun and hiking/camping accessories like knives and flashlights etc. and all the seemingly small items we need.

 We the sporting goods buyers, me included, have bought many China-Made goods in the past because our government for decades believed that China would become Westernized and see the benefits of a free society. This is clearly not the case.

China is now an Adversary not a competitor says the Center for Security Policy. https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/treat-china-as-an-adversary-not-a-competitor/

Peter Hoekstra Center for Security Policy – https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/predicting-2022-chinas-year-of-the-tiger/

says quote:

“According to the Chinese calendar, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. 2022 is the year where America finally goes big against China. China will also go big against the U.S. and Taiwan. Here are the developments that will push America to confront China’s malign and dangerous behavior and, in an upcoming article, those that will push China to go big.”  end quote.

Outdoor folks, I have written the following letter I will use as a foundation to write to USA run businesses and corporations to refrain from selling China goods: You may use it too. When I receive a response from those I write, I will let you know.


Dear Business Name,

Re: Your Business Sells Manufactured Goods from China

It was not long ago that China was seen as a competitor.

Today, many, like me, believe China has crossed the threshold from competitor to adversary say many Military and Strategic Studies.

There is ample evidence that they use the profits from your sales for purposes of world-wide domination and subjugation.   

What are you doing about it? 

It has been reported around the world that Uyghurs, (populations of humans) in the Xinjiang region of China are working in forced labor camps, where systemic torture and rape etc. are common. Sales from these labor camps are reaching the USA.

In fact, Walmart was just threatened by China if they stop selling China goods.

Today, Taiwan is being threatened with China bomber overflights of their country and soon, predicted to use military force if needed to force them back into China’s sphere of influence. And we in the USA are on their target list.

If we in the USA don’t care, then we are China’s future target.

I urge you to seek alternatives to China Manufactured Goods Today! And encourage sportsmen and women to stop buying them, if possible.


Your Name and USA address


Please use any and or all of this letter as you see fit in writing your own letters to business leaders.