Reloading and Shooting Thoughts for Long Range Hunting.
It is important to recognize that there are significant differences from hunting vs target reloading/shooting.
Hunters want a light rifle, (6 to 9 pounds) that shoots accurately out of a cold barrel.
It is the first cold barrel shot that really counts to anchor your big game, not the second, third or fourth shot.
Sure, a follow up shot is also important in the case that your game is still on its feet, but that first cold barrel shot is key.
Shoot for 3 shot groups not 5 shot groups.
Below from my new Browning X-Bolt Speed 7mm Rem Mag at 150 yards at 7/8 inch group at 3000fps. I will practice out to 600 yards.

Nosler 175g ABLR 3 shot
group RL 22 at 150 yds 2975 fps
7/8 inch
Target shooters on the other hand want a heavy rifle and heavy barreled rifle (often well over 10 to 20 pounds to absorb heat from the barrel and reduce felt recoil. Best target groups are from a warmer barrel not a cold barrel. And the bullet is chambered to engage the rifling thus increasing chamber pressure.
Hunter’s who reload, prefer to reload to around 15 to 30 thousandths off the rifling lands and often can shoot a hotter and faster bullet to maintain more delivered energy to big game. My 7mm Rem Mag Browning X-Bolt delivers 2000 ft-lbs. of energy at 550 yards.
By reloading for your hunting rifle, you can customize case, powder, bullet and primer, save cost, get more satisfaction, while increasing long range accuracy from a cold barrel.
Since preparing to hunt moose this fall, at long range, I pay more attention to case concentricity, seating depth and neck tension. It has helped greatly.

One final thought, I swab the bore at the end of cleaning with a degreaser solvent to remove any lubricant or cleaning agent to improve the first cold shot.

It works great!
Good Hunting!
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