About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.

De-cocking Crossbows great for New Hampshire Hunters – Enter Ten Point Wicked Ridge DECOCK Models

Here in New Hampshire it is unlawful to have a cocked crossbow in a vehicle even without an arrow on it. 

Honestly, If you have hunted with a crossbow, then you know it is a pain to haul a crossbow target to shoot/unload your crossbow, Worse yet to keep a heavy and costly bolt to shoot into ground to unload it. My Excalibur Grizzly can be safely de-cocked with rope but loading it multiple times is not great for my back.  Now manufacturers are creating user friendly cranking bows with de-cock capability like the Fury 410 DECOCK.

I have not shot one but have asked Wicked Ridge to send one to test for our readers.



Boats, Dogs, Hunting, Fishing: Busy Spring

Honestly, I am trying to find a larger boat but in the wake of COVID, used boat sales have gone bananas.  Why a larger boat like 21 feet? Can you say family and grandkids! And deep sea fishing. Haddock will be biting and soon stripers will be here. We are looking at a used 2007 Key West 216 Center Console boat at the moment, and in the buying process.


At the same time my Labrador retriever, Bella, and I have begun retriever training. Yes me too!

And I am the home improvement contractor for my house. New furnace and bath shower, rebuilding porch rails. New fence in back yard soon. I am a busy guy! But there is time for Turkey hunting too if I plan well. Life is tough but, hey, someone has to do it!!

See you out there!

Be Safe!


New Hampshire is Wild: Wild Turkey Hunt Begins in May – Safety is Key

Many New Hampshire hunters have gotten bit by the turkey hunting bug.



Did you know New Hampshire Fish and Game says we have an estimated population  of 25000 turkeys! Wow!!

There are many web sites and YouTube videos that share techniques and use bow/crossbow or shotgun to bag your bird.

But Safety is prime.


Excerpt from the NH website above:

Turkey Hunting Safety
  1. Never stalk a turkey. It rarely works and increases the risk of an accident.
  2. Never wear red, white or blue or black over- or under-clothing, because these are the prominent colors of displaying gobblers.
  3. Never call from a tree that is thinner than the width of your shoulders. Small trees won’t hide slight movements of your hands or shoulders, which might look like a turkey to another hunter.
  4. Never jump or turn suddenly in response to a suspected turkey. When turkey hunting, assume that every sound you hear is made by another hunter.
  5. Never call from a site where you can’t see at least 40 yards in all directions.
  6. Never imitate a gobbler call while concealed in a stand.
  7. Never presume that what you hear or what responds to your call is a turkey.
  8. Never think that your camouflage makes you totally invisible. To ID yourself to other hunters, wrap an orange band around a tree.
  9. Never hide so well that you can’t see what’s happening around you.
  10. Never move or wave to alert approaching hunters; shout “stop” instead. 

Be Safe out There!


My New Glocks for Home and Conceal Carry

Below are my new Glocks, G19 Gen 5 in 9mm and G44 in .22LR.  I chose these Glocks because they are very reliable and essentially identical. The weight and caliber is different, but handling is the same and great for cross training.   

I purchased the .22LR – G44 at right for low recoil training for my wife. When she gets used to the .22, then we will train on the 9MM. Both pistols come with a lock, extra grips in medium and large. The 9mm comes with 3 clips and the .22 comes with two. 

I shot both Glocks (see the target below), just after purchase and shot CCI Mini-Mag .22’s and Remington 9mm FMJ ammo at 20 feet. If you look close, you can see the .22 and 9mm holes intermingled below the 10x ring. Not bad at all! My outdoor range was a sheet of ice to walk on, so I used just one target for both. 

I like the sights framed in white edging and can be seen clearly in darker shadows.

Glock OEM Adjustable Rear Sight SP05977 Gen 1-5Glock OEM Front Sight SP06956 Gen 1-5

The .22 pistol is lighter to handle. My wife is not an avid shooter at all, despite being married to  me for many decades. But now she is feeling fearful with large spikes in crime on TV and the need for her safety.

I already own a Kimber 1911 Pro Carry II for home protection, conceal carry. The size difference between my Kimber Pro Carry II in .45ACP  and the G19 Gen 5 in 9MM is very similar but the 45 has 8 shots and the G19 has 15 shots when fully loaded.

Weight-wise the difference between each gun when fully loaded is just 4.3 ounces, with the Kimber being a bit heavier.  The grip safety beavertail on the Kimber increases the length by an inch.

Which to carry depends on your abilities with each pistol and the kind of situations you believe to encounter. For a new shooter, as my wife is, training with a light recoiling .22 helps for confidence before using the 9mm. 

I will write more on these pistols in the near future. 

Good Shooting and Training!

© Copyright 2022





Shooting Traditional Hunting Bows In My Basement?

Shooting hunting weight recurves and long bows in my basement, during winter, does great things for my shooting basics skill level and strength.

Photo Copyright 2022

And it can do great things for you as well. Sure, most basements are at max 10 yards but that is all you need for the most important basic skills.  Skills like good form, draw and release, follow thru, and important back muscle strength are the foundation for your back yard bullseyes and vital zone hits on wild game.

Outside, many tend to concentrate more on the target and bullseyes which takes another level of concentration, sometimes leaving the basics in the back seat like a poor release and follow-thru.

Twanging the string sideways at full draw, means the arrow will fly left or right. And taking down your bow too quickly upon release can affect arrow flight.

You can practice a perfect release by drawing your imaginary bow and releasing your hand and fingers in a rearward motion to touch the back of your ears and neck.

It’s what happens at the bow that makes the shot, just as it  is the golfers swing that creates a great straight shot or a bowlers step and follow thru.

Real pros know that, if you can’t be master of the basics, then you can’t master the craft. Further, at short range, it is easy to see that your string nocking points and brace height contribute significantly to arrow flight. I have two bows braced for practice and discovered my knock point was too high on one and perfect on the other bow.

Bare shaft tests through paper at say 3 to 5 yards can aid in setting knocking points too. On a compound you also set your plunger button left/right and tension. There are books on bow tuning.

If I have not shot in a week or so, I will shoot a bow of less poundage for a few day and work back up to a bow of higher poundage. You will also discover a bow poundage which allows full use of back muscles like 50 pounds. But then shooting a heavier bow of say 55 pounds, you are not coming to the same full draw as with the 50 pound bow.  Regular practice allows the building of  muscle and soon the 55 pound bow will be drawn to the same full draw. Just remember not to over practice and damage your back muscles. Stop at a high point of your practice session.

Arrow spine and length are also essential but we will save that for another time.

Good Shooting!



China Sporting Goods Dollars Sold in USA – Is China an Adversary? Yes! Updated

We all love a great deal, don’t we! What has been happening in the sporting goods market for accessories, is that there are billions of dollars to be made in archery and gun and hiking/camping accessories like knives and flashlights etc. and all the seemingly small items we need.

 We the sporting goods buyers, me included, have bought many China-Made goods in the past because our government for decades believed that China would become Westernized and see the benefits of a free society. This is clearly not the case.

China is now an Adversary not a competitor says the Center for Security Policy. https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/treat-china-as-an-adversary-not-a-competitor/

Peter Hoekstra Center for Security Policy – https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/predicting-2022-chinas-year-of-the-tiger/

says quote:

“According to the Chinese calendar, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. 2022 is the year where America finally goes big against China. China will also go big against the U.S. and Taiwan. Here are the developments that will push America to confront China’s malign and dangerous behavior and, in an upcoming article, those that will push China to go big.”  end quote.

Outdoor folks, I have written the following letter I will use as a foundation to write to USA run businesses and corporations to refrain from selling China goods: You may use it too. When I receive a response from those I write, I will let you know.


Dear Business Name,

Re: Your Business Sells Manufactured Goods from China

It was not long ago that China was seen as a competitor.

Today, many, like me, believe China has crossed the threshold from competitor to adversary say many Military and Strategic Studies.

There is ample evidence that they use the profits from your sales for purposes of world-wide domination and subjugation.   

What are you doing about it? 

It has been reported around the world that Uyghurs, (populations of humans) in the Xinjiang region of China are working in forced labor camps, where systemic torture and rape etc. are common. Sales from these labor camps are reaching the USA.

In fact, Walmart was just threatened by China if they stop selling China goods.

Today, Taiwan is being threatened with China bomber overflights of their country and soon, predicted to use military force if needed to force them back into China’s sphere of influence. And we in the USA are on their target list.

If we in the USA don’t care, then we are China’s future target.

I urge you to seek alternatives to China Manufactured Goods Today! And encourage sportsmen and women to stop buying them, if possible.


Your Name and USA address


Please use any and or all of this letter as you see fit in writing your own letters to business leaders.




Outdoor Purchases On-Line- How to avoid purchases from adversaries?

Ever since Covid, I made some of my hunting purchases on Amazon. You will find “answered questions” that often include where the product was made. 

I also buy from Midway USA who now has a very wide selection of sporting goods, hunting and fishing gear by USA and Europe brand names. My Archery gear is from 3Rivers on-line. 3Rivers Archery posts a USA flag with the sale item to indicate where it’s made.

Lots of cheap goods at many big outdoor retailers from Asia so look out and ask.  I some cases you cant avoid it, but at least you know.

I was looking for Ice Cleats/Crampons on Amazon and found most were made in China after reading the “answered questions” including those that are not shown. But this Amazon Cleat below is from Maine!

STABILicers Walk Traction Cleat for Walking on Snow and Ice are made in Maine, USA.

Check these Cleats out and consider to avoid buying or supporting countries that are our adversaries! Like China and Russia for example.

Sometimes, it is not possible thanks to Washington  Bureaucrats.

Walmart as you  know is largely imported goods and China stuff so beware!



Shooting Longbows and Recurves of Heavy Poundage for Big Game

Training to shoot heavy poundage bows like 55 and 60 pounds accurately, on the first arrow, takes dedication and perfect training daily or every other day… for my older bones.

In my case, in long years past, I have dedicated time for a heavy weight custom traditional recurve hunting bow of 68 pounds. Once I stopped shooting that bow for months, it was back breaking for me to get back to shooting it with accuracy.

The answer was to build up with lesser weight bows which I did not have, and could not afford, at the time. Moving forward to today, I am retired from quality assurance engineering and have access to inexpensive recurves and long bows at a fraction of the cost to train without muscle or shoulder injury. Recovery, from a shoulder or muscle pull takes months.

I wrote an archery article in August 2021 for hunters to get back to preparing for deer hunting. I was shooting a 45 pound Samick Sage takedown recurve that cost me $140 dollars. See photo below. Great bow for the price. I learned that I could purchase separate limbs for it for just $74 dollars. I bought 50 pound limbs and was happy to step up and begin training in my back yard in October moving from 45 to 50 pounds in draw weight,  but I did not stop there.

Recently, I purchase a Bear Montana longbow, shown below, in 55 pounds and training indoors in my basement on form, draw, anchor and release. I used to shoot instinctive but found my overall accuracy improved by shooting 3 fingers under the arrow. I created the leather quiver 20 years ago, and gave it a coat of polish. 

Below is a 42 pound hickory self-bow recurve backed with deer sinew I have just completed.  It started as a long bow stave in my office for 20 years collecting dust. Nice to have it finished.  Shoots smooth! 

I walk the string an inch lower than the nock for better eye alignment with the arrow. I am  having so much fun indoor basement shooting at 10 yards in training that I purchased a 60 pound set of limbs for  my takedown recurve and  just began shooting it. I am working up slowly on the 60 pound limbs but shooting the 55 pound long bow regularly. The arrows fly like darts! Wow! I think 60 pounds is enough. 

Good Hunting!

©Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Perfect Rifle Cartridge for Big Game?

Is there a perfect rifle cartridge for big game? Great Campfire fodder sure to keep you up at night.

Big Game Cartridges are purchased and used for many different reasons, thus for some big game animals, they are better and sometimes… they are not.

The distances we encounter and hunt big game like deer, bear, and moose as well a bullet shape and construction play a large part of a big game cartridge.  And whether the game you are hunting can be dangerous, like a brown or grizzly bear.

I believe the vast majority are deer hunters like myself , who, on occasion hunt bear, wild boar, elk, moose and such.

Many cartridges were originally designed as a target cartridge like the recent 6.5 Creedmoor. The .308 Winchester and 30-06 Springfield were designed as a cartridge used in battle in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam, later valuably used as a target round and hunting round.

It was the ballistics data experts and students that realized that surplus ammo was used inexpensively for both target and hunting. Most were of spitzer bullet design for longer range.

Later post WWII hunters learned that a round nose bullet at shorter ranges inside of 200 or so yards were like the hammer-of-thor thus dropping game pronto. Lever guns like the 30-30 and 35 Winchester as well as the 45-70 cannot use pointed tip bullets and were terrific game stoppers.

Today many hunters like long range hunting and go west or south to prairies and bean fields thus spitzers are the bullet of choice for 300 to 800 yards or more.

Or some believe the use of light copper spitzer bullets at high velocities of over 3200fps with 100% retained weight to deliver hydrostatic shock and a lights out punch to game like black bear at close range. 

Here in New  Hampshire, most game like deer, bear and moose are harvested at around 40 to 50 yards or so. Spitzers are not necessary here but if you do not reload or hand-load, then spitzers are what you will find on store shelves these days.

Bore sizes like .22, 6mm/.243, 6.5mm, 7mm, .308, .338 and .375, 416, 45, and 50 caliber are common but are used on certain game for reasons of killing capacity(aka energy delivered) and distances encountered. Yes, I missed a dozen other less common calibers, but you get the idea.

The key to any big game cartridge really is the bullet and its construction, like bonded, A-frame or copper for the task desired. Coupled with this, and equally important is sectional density. It is the ratio of bullet weight (M) to the square of bullet diameter and is very important for penetration. (SD= M/D²). If you are a student of ballistics and killing power the following website will add to your knowledge for winter reading.  


So in the end, if you know distances to deer for example and the terrain and forest type you are hunting them you can gear your rifle cartridge and bullet to the game,   thus making it more ideal.


You guessed it, there is no perfect big game cartridge. To maximize your cartridge, include the size of game, terrain, distance, bullet construction including sectional density in your calculations. Below is another website for your winter reading.


Good Hunting!

© Copyright 2022




Traditional Archery: Winter 3D Fun

In New Hampshire, Granite State Bowhunters we call GSB, forms club shoots across the state for compound bows and traditional bows of just stick and string.  GSB had its first shoot at Lamprey River Bowhunters on January 2nd 2022. It was great fun! See the 3D Schedule below.


I grew up on stick and string and find that it is very rewarding even today.

It is a small but re-growing cadre of bowhunters that simply like stick and string traditional archery. It is part comradery, part hunt, and tests your shooting skill at unknown distances. Below my archery friend and national long bow champion,  Jacques Bonin. He is taking aim at a 3D pronghorn foam antelope. Here Jacques shoots a 78 lb pull Howard Hill long bow at shorter draw length thus it is casting the arrow at 72 pounds. Most of us can’t even draw his bow, never mind shooting it. I am happy shooting 50 to 55 pounds right now.


Traditional bowhunters are restricted to shorter ranges to maximize heart/lung hits on 3D animals like deer, bear, elk, turkey and wild boar. Whereas Compound shooters shoot at longer distances. But all of us must deal with one earthly constant. Gravity! Even a fast bow shooting 300 fps must deal with gravities downward pull of 32 fps per second.

These 3D shoots are excellent preparation for bowhunting and creating lifelong friendships with other like-minded bowhunters. The comradery on a 3D course can be the highlight of your day and a great way to introduce young hunters to archery and hunting.

Learning shooting and distance judging from those around you in these 3D shoots are vital in our quest to bow-hunt wild game – and place your arrow in the vital zone for a quick humane harvest.

Enjoy the Winter Outside!

Good Hunting!

© Copyright 2022