About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.

Reduce Felt Recoil Over 50 Percent with High Tech Rifle Recoil Pads

Perhaps it is time we stop whining about recoil! Fix it!

Honestly,  the fastest and least expensive way to reduce felt recoil from big game rifles  is to install a slip-on or grind-to-fit recoil pad that was scientifically designed to reduce that instant whack to your shoulder.  Yes you can use a heavier rifle. Not me.   Or a thread on device to your barrel, sure to give you an ear-ache. I’ll pass.

I have used both Limbsaver™ and Pachmayr Decelerator™ pads for the past 20 years to my great relief. I owned a heavy recoiling  Ruger M77 in.338 Winchester Magnum and still own and use my M77 African in .375 Ruger. One was fitted with a Limbsaver SVL Pad and the other was fitted with a Pachmayr Decelerator. Both cut my felt recoil by approximately 50% or so. Below is a video from Limbsaver.

I shoot these big guns off-hand in my t-shirt because the recoil is more of a push than a whack, thus making it easy for the shooter to absorb the recoil almost painlessly.

Even more,  you can reduce felt recoil on your young son or daughters deer rifle too. A  6.5 Creedmoor/260 Rem shooting a 120 grain bullet at 3000 ft/ sec creating about 14 ft/lbs but with a state-of-the-art pad the felt recoil is nearer to 7 lbs of felt recoil, less than a .243 Winchester. Below is from the website; https://shooterscalculator.com/recoil-calculator.php

Time to fix that rifle recoil is now!

Good Shooting!

© Copyright 2022

Game Meat from Freezer to Hot Canning to Tenderize and for Longevity. Updated

My wife Susan and I have been vacuum freezing game meat for years. In October 2019 we put 300 pounds of Moose and 150 pounds of wild boar in the freezer. In 2021 we learned the hot-canning method used by many hunting families for stews and such in glass Ball Jars. 

If you enjoy eating the game you hunt and like to preserve and tenderize your meat, read on.

We processed and vacuum sealed all the meat at home. 

In 2019, we expected large summer 2020 BBQ gatherings, so we made burger patties and put large numbers of patties in vac bags.

And as we all know, COVID changes our lives forever. We still had lots of frozen moose burger and stew meat. What to do?


Part of my reason to continue to hot can was that my stew meat came out-of-the-jar so tender that I could cut it with a fork. And it cuts down mealtime prep. to minutes.   Wow!

For stews, I then cooked/steamed or quickly pressure cooked fresh carrots, potato, onion, celery etc., then added the hot canned stew meat. I used the juices to make a flour gravy adding herbs, salt and pepper. Sooo Delicious! Yes you can “can” your veggies too. 

This month, October 2022, I booked another Newfoundland Moose hunt as part of my bucket list. What to do with another 300 pounds of moose meat?  I still had 20 or so pounds of that frozen moose burger I wrote about at the beginning of this article?

I decided to hot-can the frozen game burger too, like all those patties we froze plus all the burger intended for pasta sauces. The frozen burger would have be ok for longer freezer storage but the meat became so buried in the freezer making it very hard to find.

Accordingly, I gathered all the frozen moose burger, about 20 pounds and hot canned it for use in my delicious pasta sauces, “shepherds pie”, chili recipes, biscuits and gravy, meat pies, meat tacos, mince meat pie, and so much more. Hungry yet? I sure am! 

I used a T-fal Pressure Canner below with Pressure Control,  22 Quart volume. But you can use any large canner.  You will need Ball jars and lids. 

There are other brands and styles, but I like this one because it is so easy to use.

T-fal Pressure Canner


I  thawed the moose in large pots meat of cold water. Here is a basic recipe video.

I highly recommend purchasing a canning book like this one below, to become educated for safety and have delicious recipes.

The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning: Everything You Need to Know to Can Meats, Vegetables, Meals in a Jar, and More

In the past year 2021, I successfully hot canned venison, wild boar, chicken breast, moose and now moose burger. 


After canning, you can label like this above with Avery labels.



Making A Field Hunting Ballistic Card for Long Range

Making a pocket field card for a specific load and bullet will aid in improved vital zone bullet placement.

The card is really a drop or trajectory table with wind and energy at a specific laser rangefinder game distances your looking to shoot.

I used my Nosler 300g AccuBond to create the table below for my moose hunt with the .375 Ruger. There are many ballistic calculators on the market. I use JBM Ballistics Trajectory calculator (free on-line). It works great!!

The pocket card you take into the field will look like the card above. Wind drift is in inches with a 10 mph 90 degree crosswind. I zeroed for 250 yards. Go to the website below and experiment.


You can select your bullet from this software’s drop down menu, enter the bullet muzzle velocity, zero-range, wind, elevation, vital-zone radius and many other parameters for the table you will create.


Input Data
Manufacturer: Nosler Description: Accubond™ Spitzer
Caliber: 0.375 in Weight: 300.0 gr
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.473 G1 (ASM)
Muzzle Velocity: 2550.0 ft/s Distance to Chronograph: 10.0 ft
Sight Height: 1.50 in Sight Offset: 0.00 in
Zero Height: 0.00 in Zero Offset: 0.00 in
Windage: 0.000 MOA Elevation: 0.000 MOA
Line Of Sight Angle: 0.0 deg Cant Angle: 0.0 deg
Wind Speed: 10.0 mph Wind Angle: 90.0 deg
Target Speed: 0.0 mph Target Angle: 90.0 deg
Target Height: 40.0 in
Temperature: 40.0 °F Pressure: 29.92 in Hg
Humidity: 50 % Altitude: 0.0 ft
Vital Zone Radius: 5.0 in
Std. Atmosphere at Altitude: No Pressure is Corrected: Yes
Zero at Max. Point Blank Range: No Target Relative Drops: Yes
Mark Sound Barrier Crossing: No Include Extra Rows: No
Column 1 Units: 1.00 in Column 2 Units: 1.00 MOA
Round Output to Whole Numbers: No
Output Data
Elevation: 7.540 MOA Windage: 0.000 MOA
Atmospheric Density: 0.07925 lb/ft³ Speed of Sound: 1095.8 ft/s
Maximum PBR: 302 yd Maximum PBR Zero: 255 yd
Range of Maximum Height: 136 yd Energy at Maximum PBR: 2658.9 ft•lbs
Sectional Density: 0.305 lb/in²

I found that my rifle zero is best set for 250 yards as it allows for max point blank range with a vital zone radius for moose at 5 inches. Basically the size of a ten inch pie plate. 

Here is a printout of the calculation.


Calculated Table
Range Drop Drop Windage Windage Velocity Mach Energy Time Lead Lead
(yd) (in) (MOA) (in) (MOA) (ft/s) (none) (ft•lbs) (s) (in) (MOA)
0 -0.7 *** 0.0 *** 2556.6 2.333 4353.2 0.000 0.0 ***
25 1.1 4.2 0.1 0.2 2507.4 2.288 4187.4 0.030 0.0 0.0
50 2.6 4.9 0.2 0.4 2458.8 2.244 4026.5 0.060 0.0 0.0
75 3.7 4.7 0.5 0.6 2410.7 2.200 3870.6 0.091 0.0 0.0
100 4.4 4.2 0.8 0.8 2363.2 2.157 3719.4 0.122 0.0 0.0
125 4.7 3.6 1.3 1.0 2316.1 2.114 3572.9 0.154 0.0 0.0
150 4.7 3.0 1.9 1.2 2269.6 2.071 3430.8 0.187 0.0 0.0
175 4.2 2.3 2.6 1.4 2223.7 2.029 3293.2 0.220 0.0 0.0
200 3.2 1.6 3.4 1.6 2178.2 1.988 3159.9 0.254 0.0 0.0
225 1.9 0.8 4.4 1.9 2133.2 1.947 3030.8 0.289 0.0 0.0
250 -0.0 -0.0 5.5 2.1 2088.8 1.906 2905.8 0.325 0.0 0.0
275 -2.4 -0.8 6.7 2.3 2044.9 1.866 2784.9 0.361 0.0 0.0
300 -5.2 -1.7 8.1 2.6 2001.5 1.826 2668.1 0.398 0.0 0.0
325 -8.7 -2.5 9.6 2.8 1958.7 1.787 2555.1 0.436 0.0 0.0
350 -12.7 -3.5 11.2 3.1 1916.4 1.749 2446.0 0.475 0.0 0.0
375 -17.2 -4.4 13.0 3.3 1874.7 1.711 2340.7 0.514 0.0 0.0
400 -22.4 -5.4 15.0 3.6 1833.6 1.673 2239.2 0.555 0.0 0.0
425 -28.3 -6.4 17.1 3.8 1793.1 1.636 2141.3 0.596 0.0 0.0
450 -34.8 -7.4 19.4 4.1 1753.2 1.600 2047.1 0.638 0.0 0.0
475 -42.0 -8.4 21.8 4.4 1713.9 1.564 1956.4 0.682 0.0 0.0
500 -50.0 -9.5 24.5 4.7 1675.3 1.529 1869.3 0.726 0.0 0.0


13-Oct-22 13:46, JBM/jbmtraj-5.1.cgi


By experimenting with muzzle velocity, wind, altitude parameters in the JBM software, you will better understand how your bullet will perform as it speeds its way to the intended game.


Good shooting!

©Copyright 2022




Newfoundland Moose Hunt Prep 2023 and .375 Ruger Rifle Choice

Moose hunting provides an opportunity for lots of delicious meat and maybe a large rack to display in remembrance of the hunt.. I have been blessed with successfully hunting Newfoundland moose bull in October 2019 and a New Hampshire bull several years back, neither had great racks. Below is the New Hampshire moose.

So I am trying for a larger mature bull (more meat) with perhaps a larger rack. We shall see. 

This new moose hunt is expected to be a river hunt using the Gander River Canoe or some say Gander River Bay boat. Newfoundland moose hunts are in September and October and are prime times for crazy weather.

I shot my last bull, quartering forward, in Newfoundland in a late September snow squall with 30 mph zero degree windchill. A one-shot kill at 100 yards with a Nosler 300g AccuBond. My bullet did not exit and was recovered under the skin on the far side after wrecking the lungs. He stood for just a few seconds before collapsing where he stood.. 


You’d think that I had dozens of rifles to choose from but in truth I have only 5 rifles. Two are muzzleloaders. My really big game modern rifle is the Ruger M77 African in .375 Ruger. I hand load it. My bullet of choice is the 300 grain Nosler AccuBond™ because it is a tough bonded bullet and has a high ballistic coefficient and a superior sectional density for long range hunting. Below left is the Nosler 260 grain and right is the 300 grain AB. 

I like the 308/30-06/7mm/.270 type cartridge or greater for moose hunting. No, you don’t need a .375 Ruger, but I have one in my gun safe and it is accurate as all get-out. I shoot it very well.

For those not familiar with the .375 Ruger, it is slightly more powerful than the .375 Holland and Holland of African fame for Cape Buffalo and is a non-belted round.

With a state-of-the-art recoil pad, it reduces my .375 felt recoil by approximately 50%, like a .270 Winchester.

These recoil pads like the Pachmayr Decelerator™ and Limbsaver models are excellent and tames my .375 Ruger very well.

I can shoot it off hand, in my t-shirt. Get one of these pads today and stop whining about recoil!


Many Newfoundland bogs, that are prime moose habitat, are hundreds of yards in size and you need a rifle to reach out and maintain speed and energy. 

I use the BOG Deathgrip tripod below for longer range shots. I have shot it prone and accurately out to 600 yards. 

My scope of choice is the Leupold VX-6 3-18. What a combo! Below are the ballistics as calculated by JBMballistics.com with a muzzle velocity of 2550 fps with the Nosler 300g AB. Zeroed for 250 yards. With a 20 mph wind at 45º angle. The .375 Ruger with this Nosler AB bullet delivers over 2000 ft lbs. at 450 yards. Wow!


Input Data
Manufacturer: Nosler Description: Accubond™ Spitzer
Caliber: 0.375 in Weight: 300.0 gr
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.473 G1 (ASM)
Muzzle Velocity: 2550.0 ft/s Distance to Chronograph: 10.0 ft
Sight Height: 0.70 in Sight Offset: 0.00 in
Zero Height: 0.00 in Zero Offset: 0.00 in
Windage: 0.000 MOA Elevation: 0.000 MOA
Line Of Sight Angle: 0.0 deg Cant Angle: 0.0 deg
Wind Speed: 20.0 mph Wind Angle: 45.0 deg
Target Speed: 0.0 mph Target Angle: 90.0 deg
Target Height: 40.0 in
Temperature: 40.0 °F Pressure: 29.92 in Hg
Humidity: 50 % Altitude: 0.0 ft
Vital Zone Radius: 5.0 in
Std. Atmosphere at Altitude: No Pressure is Corrected: Yes
Zero at Max. Point Blank Range: No Target Relative Drops: Yes
Mark Sound Barrier Crossing: No Include Extra Rows: No
Column 1 Units: 1.00 in Column 2 Units: 1.00 MOA
Round Output to Whole Numbers: No
Output Data
Elevation: 7.521 MOA Windage: 0.000 MOA
Atmospheric Density: 0.07925 lb/ft³ Speed of Sound: 1095.8 ft/s
Maximum PBR: 302 yd Maximum PBR Zero: 255 yd
Range of Maximum Height: 136 yd Energy at Maximum PBR: 2658.9 ft•lbs
Sectional Density: 0.305 lb/in²
Calculated Table
Range Drop Drop Windage Windage Velocity Mach Energy Time Lead Lead
(yd) (in) (MOA) (in) (MOA) (ft/s) (none) (ft•lbs) (s) (in) (MOA)
0 -0.7 *** 0.0 *** 2556.6 2.333 4353.2 0.000 0.0 ***
25 1.1 4.2 0.1 0.3 2508.0 2.289 4189.5 0.030 0.0 0.0
50 2.6 4.9 0.3 0.5 2460.0 2.245 4030.7 0.060 0.0 0.0
75 3.7 4.6 0.7 0.8 2412.6 2.202 3876.6 0.091 0.0 0.0
100 4.4 4.2 1.2 1.1 2365.7 2.159 3727.3 0.122 0.0 0.0
125 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.4 2319.2 2.116 3582.5 0.154 0.0 0.0
150 4.6 3.0 2.7 1.7 2273.4 2.075 3442.1 0.187 0.0 0.0
175 4.1 2.3 3.7 2.0 2228.0 2.033 3306.1 0.220 0.0 0.0
200 3.2 1.5 4.8 2.3 2183.1 1.992 3174.3 0.254 0.0 0.0
225 1.8 0.8 6.2 2.6 2138.8 1.952 3046.6 0.289 0.0 0.0
250 -0.0 -0.0 7.7 3.0 2094.9 1.912 2923.0 0.324 0.0 0.0
275 -2.4 -0.8 9.4 3.3 2051.6 1.872 2803.4 0.360 0.0 0.0
300 -5.2 -1.7 11.4 3.6 2008.9 1.833 2687.8 0.397 0.0 0.0
325 -8.6 -2.5 13.5 4.0 1966.7 1.795 2576.0 0.435 0.0 0.0
350 -12.6 -3.4 15.8 4.3 1925.0 1.757 2468.0 0.474 0.0 0.0
375 -17.2 -4.4 18.3 4.7 1883.9 1.719 2363.8 0.513 0.0 0.0
400 -22.3 -5.3 21.0 5.0 1843.4 1.682 2263.3 0.553 0.0 0.0
425 -28.1 -6.3 24.0 5.4 1803.5 1.646 2166.4 0.594 0.0 0.0
450 -34.6 -7.3 27.2 5.8 1764.2 1.610 2073.0 0.636 0.0 0.0
475 -41.7 -8.4 30.6 6.2 1725.6 1.575 1983.2 0.679 0.0 0.0
500 -49.6 -9.5 34.3 6.5 1687.6 1.540 1896.9 0.723 0.0 0.0


08-Oct-22 09:19, JBM/jbmtraj-5.1.cgi

Wind at long range becomes a serious factor, understand your limitations. If you have a heavy wind at 90 degree crosswind angles, keep your shots at much shorter ranges. Quartering wind or wind blowing at you is a better situation, but you may need to move for a better shot opportunity. A trajectory and wind table printed in your pocket can be helpful. 

Good Hunting!

© Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved.








Take your Flintlock Out for a Walk

Just like my Labrador retriever, my rifles and especially my 1776 50 cal. Pennsylvania flintlock, needs exercise.

So I took it out for a fun walk at the range recently to ensure all was clean and in working order.

The lock mechanism also needs to be regularly lubed and inspected for rust.

And the barrel needs to be periodically cleaned even if not used. The sulfur residue from black powder is hard to totally remove, and can cause weak sulfuric acid to form, resulting in rust in sufficient quantity to lose accuracy. Unfortunately, many of us learn that cleaning lesson the hard way, including me. I cleaned and swabbed my swamp barrel several times over a year leaving a coating of oil in the barrel. Thus far, I have put a pound of black powder through it, so the barrel, like a frying pan is cured.

Off to the range I went, .and bench rested two shots at 50 yards at 3/4 inch, below.


My Pennsylvania Flintlock amazes me every time. Several years ago, I created this rifle from a very high end Chambers Kit in honor of Jacob Dickert who was the the most prolific Lancaster, PA master rifle maker of the American Revolution.

Below a boar I took with this rifle a few years back.


Good Shooting!




August is for Archery

August is just a month before Archery season begins in New Hampshire.



Sharpen your shooting skills and get your arms in shape. Distance judging is another skill that we can work on. Shooting downward from a tree stand at say my max range of 40 yards with a crossbow

or 20 yards with recurve make practice a must.  



I use a Leupold laser rangefinder that accounts for the down angle such as the TBR True Ballistic Range models.

Leupold RX-1600i TBR/W with DNA Laser Rangefinder 6x OLED Selectable


Shooting your practice broadheads vs field points can ensure hunting accuracy. If you hunt from a tree stand then practice in one too, or at that height.

Watch out for branches and clothing that can brush your string and send your arrow off the target.

I developed a mental pre-draw checklist, for branches and clothing/armguard you should too.


Good Shooting!


Sporting Dollars Going to China?

In January of this year, New Hampshire Rifleman Magazine sent letters to Bass Pro headquarters and Dick’s Sporting Goods Headquarters urging them to seek alternatives to selling billions of dollars of China made goods.

It is now August and we have never heard back! See my article below.

China Sporting Goods Dollars Sold in USA – Is China an Adversary? Yes! Updated

As a concerned American sportsman I know  purchases are helping our adversary, China. It is time to stop feeding money to this Marxist regime.

What can you do? Call your legislators and write to businesses to seek alternatives.

Seek out American made products wherever possible.



Our First New Hampshire RV Trip

This article is about our first camp experience with our USA made 2022 Mini Lite Rockwood 2104s 22 ft trailer.

2022 Forest River Rockwood Mini Lite 2104 S in Wilmington, NC

It was July 26 when we drove my Toyota Tacoma with the Mini-Lite in tow, from Plaistow to Wolfeboro. The trailer hitch had stabilizer bars that worked very well and came with the trailer.

We did use the ECT power feature of the Tacoma, which was adequate for this trip. Speeds of 45 to 55 mph were the norm and achieved up to 15 mpg.  The stabilizer bars limit the turn/back up radius to a max of 45 degrees.

The jack like stabilizers on each corner are not really levelers but make the floor much more stable and not intended to lift. 

The RV AC unit worked like a champ as did the fridge and freezer. 

Electric and water hookup, Sewer hookup was easy too. 

The Mini-Lite comes with a outside mountable, 17 inch gas griddle and was used to cook breakfast each morning. It worked well but needed better leveling by me for cooking runny eggs. 

The rv queen murphy bed feature worked well to stow. The bed was firm to sleep on. When the bed is stowed, a sofa is created as the sofa back can lay flat or flip up. We did not use the inside gas stove.  

The shower unit worked very well. 

It rained 6 inched in our RV park overnight and it was very noisy on the roof but we stayed dry. The awning was deployed and handled the rain runoff well. 

Overall RV performance was excellent.


So far a big thumbs up.




Big Game – Max Point Blank Range

Ethics are essential. I stick to my cartridges max point-blank range (MPBR), or often much less. What does that mean?

Accordingly, MPBR is the furthest distance your bullet can go without dropping out of your game animals kill zone and still have sufficient energy for a clean harvest. Example: Your game, a whitetail deer has a kill zone of say six to eight inches or so. If your bullet falls to the bottom of that kill zone at longer distances, then you are at your maximum range without adjusting your scope (MPBR).

In my case, using ballistic software, my MPBR often falls in the 250-to-300-yard range. Really, I have never had to shoot at game beyond 300 yards. 

It takes long-range practice with the cartridge and bullet you hunt with and know the effect of wind on your bullet. Hunting ethics are essential!

A book that I have in my hunting library below. 

If you are like me, experimentation is fun.


Good Hunting!