About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.

Die-Hard Moose – Practice for an Immediate Follow-up Shot

My last moose taken in 2019 was killed with a single shot from my .375 Ruger, but I held off as he stood bewildered and collapsed after a few seconds.

My rifle recoil was significant as I sent a 300 grain Nosler AccuBond at him.  At the greater recoil, it took me longer to eject the spent shell and put a new one in the chamber.

I was too slow to cycle the bolt because I did not practice it in advance.

I am moose hunting again in Newfoundland this coming year, and If I can’t cycle the .375 to my liking, I’m debating to shoot a rifle that allows a faster bolt cycle but still has plenty of down range energy. I’m thinking 7mm Rem Mag or 30 cal like the 30-06 Springfield. 

In researching moose kills, most require MORE than one shot to anchor them. Their nervous system appears slow to react to a kill shot.

Accordingly, practice should include cycling the bolt in earnest and get a second shot into your moose to anchor it. Yes, your first shot is still critical but cycle the bolt and be ready for a second shot.

Further, listening to other big game hunters, to try to use less scope magnification for a wider field of view and follow your bullet contrail hit.


Newfoundland offers enough open landscape for shots out to 500 yards or more. Shooting a rifle that has poor energy e.g., 1000 ft lbs at these distances limits the hunters ability to reach out. Spitzers with sectional densities above .250 to .300 for good penetration and G1 ballistic coefficients (BC) of at least .4 or more to hold its downrange energy is ideal.

My personal moose killing energy minimum is 1800 ft-lbs and around 2000 fps for a good bullet mushroom. Accuracy should be sufficient to hit a pie plate size kill zone from your rest. Make it a goal to learn to use a ballistic calculator. I use


Your bullet must arrive with enough killing energy and ability for your bullet to mushroom at those distances. It is sometimes the case that you have penetrating energy but the bullet does not adequately mushroom. Check that your bullet speed at the game should be near 2000 fps at the hit for mushrooming (lead core) and energy in the 1800 to 2000 ft-lbs. or greater.

Bullet manufacturers often publish the range of speeds that produce adequate mushrooming for your bullet choice.

Practicing for the first shot and follow-up shot to quickly cycle the bolt will give confidence to the hunter. I use a Bog Death Grip tripod for distant field shots.

Good Hunting!

© Copyright 2022. 

Age of Hornady’s Precision Rifle Cartridges 6.5, 7mm, 300 PRC Target and Hunting?

The truth is that the 6.5 PRC is faster than the 6.5 Creedmoor, the 7mm PRC is faster than the 7mm Remington Magnum and the 300 PRC is faster than the 300 Win Mag.

Having said that: Should hunters run out and sell the Creedmoor, 7mm Rem Magnum or the 300 Win. Mag?

I think not, if you own them already. I love my 6.5 CM but am open to the 7mm PRC.

Well, The Creedmoor, 7mm Rem and 300 Win have great accuracy and punch for hunting already.

These PRC cartridges were designed for long range target accuracy and are somewhat faster, kick a bit more, than the aforesaid cartridges but not enough to replace them as a hunting cartridge. Others think similarly. 

As for target shooters, ceteris paribus, (all else being equal) it takes a faster bullet to win a match against the wind at long range, where fractions of an inch make the difference in point score. The PRC’s were designed “first” for target, having no belt, extremely concentric and in some cases can shoot a heavier bullet with a rifle with a faster twist.  

But, for example,  if you don’t own a PRC rifle or load for the cartridge, getting a new rifle in a PRC may be a good choice as a hunter hand-loader.

Note, the PRC cartridges and rifles are not in every gun store at this time.  

I love my 6.5 CM for deer and thin skin game hunting but do not as of this writing have a 7mm rifle, so I am keeping that in mind.

There are only a few rifles in manufacture at this time for the 7mm PRC but more are coming. Still cant go wrong with a custom 7mm Rem Mag or Weatherby Mag or even a 280 Rem.

In the final analysis, the rifle quality may make the difference in my choice, not just the cartridge. 

More on this coming.

Good Hunting!

® Copyright 2022


Calling all Coyotes –

Below is a reprint of an article I wrote 5 years ago in pursuit of Coyotes.  I would carry a sidearm today for calling in coyotes. You may instead also be calling in bobcats (we are not allowed to hunt or trap bobcats in New Hampshire at this time, I am hopeful that the rule changes soon and we resume hunting and trapping them.)

This last fall my deer hunting friend, during muzzleloader season, blew on his grunt tube after he set up. In less than a minute a coyote came running at him looking for the deer. He fired hastily at it and missed it at 5 feet but parted some hair. 

New Hampshire Coyotes Soon Begin Looking For A Mate – Take Advantage


Calls for Coyotes



North Eastern coyotes are larger than western coyotes due to the great lakes grey wolf mating with coyotes in winter. See my article below. 


Wolf in Coyote Clothing?

Coyotes are attacking children today, beware!

Good Hunting

© Copyright 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



Spicy Outdoorsman – Remoulade Dipping Sauce

As a hunter and often household chef, I discovered this delicious sauce with the mention by Chef Andrew Zimmern, and later recipes from Chef Emeril Lagasse on the Food Network.

If you enjoy dipping sauces especially for seafood and wild game you might want to try making Remoulade Sauce for dipping shrimp or as a spread on game meat and even sandwiches.


It’s more complex and so much more sophisticated than say just Mayo, Tartar Sauce or Cocktail Sauce. 

It’s origin/roots are very French but variations of this spicy, mouth-watering sauce vary around the world.

Use the internet to look up remoulade recipes. I like this one below using my food processor but would use a bit less mustard.



I am making shrimp finger food hors d’oeuvres for our family Thanksgiving dinner. Ingredients can be found in most households, such as; mayonnaise, lemon juice, onion, celery, garlic, horseradish, mustard, ketchup, parsley salt and pepper.

There is a Cajun Remoulade version that uses creole spices that is delightful. 

Some remoulade recipes involve the use of food processors and vegetable oil but you don’t need one unless you have one at hand. Look for the mayonnaise base recipes for simplicity. 


Give Remoulade Sauce a try!



Outdoor Life Reports on New Jersey Anti-Hunting Bill?

New Jersey Bill Would Require Landowners to Notify Neighbors Before Hunting Their Own Land

New Jersey Bill Would Hinder Private Land Hunting | Outdoor Life

Quote from Outdoor Life “Legislators in New Jersey introduced a bill last month that would change the state’s regulations for hunting on private land. Assembly Bill 3732 calls for an expanded safety buffer that would prohibit hunters from nocking an arrow or carrying a loaded weapon within 450 feet of any occupied building in the state. A3732 would also require private landowners in the state to notify neighboring landowners before they could be allowed to hunt on their own land.”

Hunter Success Comes In Many Forms

Recently, I had a buck in my sights standing offhand. Darn it, I could not steady my crosshairs. I was not confident of a kill shot, and did not try the shot. 

He saw me, and moments later… he melted away.  

” We will meet again” I thought.  “He is not going any where so maybe another time we will meet again… and I’ll be ready.”

I set up a stand in the same area the very next day. A double rainbow appeared where that buck stood just a day earlier. 

Success comes in many forms. Letting that buck go was a success in my ethics and… I was rewarded with this glorious double rainbow. Yes, can you see the second rainbow?

The rainbow had significance that this hunter can understand.

I enjoyed that view till the rainbow disappeared. 

Perhaps a rainbow will grace your stand too. Yes, I’d perhaps rather seeing the buck again, but I did enjoy the rainbow.

Good Hunting!

© Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved.


Alternatives to Freezing Game Meat – Hot Canning Meat

Many hunting families have been freezing wild game for a century. But what if you lose power? What if your meat is tough?  Some families “hot can” or “hot pack” meat too.  What advantages do you have if you “pressure can” or “Hot Pack” some of your game meat?

The major reason to hot pressure-can aka “hot pack” meat is that it does not need a freezer or electricity, tenderizes meat substantially and can be consumed right from the jar.

Most everyone uses a Ball Mason Jar because the jars are cost effective and proven. When canning is complete (often takes 90 minutes) and cool the lid becomes vacuum sealed during cooling.

This is essential to preserve and seal the meat from bacterial growth.

Stored in a cool dry area, this food can be stored for 2 to 5 years as long as the vacuum seal is maintained.

“Best practices” followed from canning books like this one, will eliminate losing the seal and your meat to spoilage. 



I began hot canning because I had many pounds of tougher cuts of meat that gathering in my freezer.  And wanted to can some chicken breast for fast meals like chicken noodle soup, pot pies, and chicken salad.

Hot Canning allows me to tenderize the meat and add spices and vegetables. I also can game burger and chicken breast.

I use this T-Fal canner ($155 dollars) among many other models.  A great Christmas gift too! It takes the mystery and fear out of hot canning can get you to the next step with saving food cost and canning your game meat and poultry too.


T-fal Pressure Cooker, Canner with Control, 3 PSI Silver


If your like my family, we pull the best wild game cuts of meat like backstrap and steak or sausage from our freezer first. This often leaves tougher cuts to languish or worse, get buried in our freezer. I have gathered pounds of these harder-to-use-cuts like stew meat and burger. I purchased the hot pressure canner a few years ago, and am thrilled with its ability to tenderize cuts and add herbs and spice to them for sumptuous flavor enhancement, all in Ball Mason jars.

The result is tender moose, venison, and wild boar stew meat and burger that is now instantly ready for stroganoff, and burger for Shepherds Pie, Chili and dozens of soup recipes like Moose, Venison, and Duck, Goose, Chicken Noodle Soup. Further, that we find chicken breast on sale and hot-can or raw-can it in chunks too.


Give it a try!

Good Eating!





Tree Stand Burnout – Deer Avoid It

The perfect deer hunting tree stand location can become burned out if you use it too much. Dependence on a single tree stand for day to day hunting, places increasing amounts of human scent in that area. Your Busted!!

Smart hunters know that wind is a key factor whether on the ground or up in your tree stand. If deer are expected from the west and wind is blowing your scent toward them. Your stand time will be wasted.

Experts say, deer can smell 500 to 1000 times more than a human.

Here is a great article I found on-line by Mike Hanback. Check it out!!


Good Hunting!

Muzzleloader Deer Season Opening In New Hampshire Saturday, October 29

Good Hunting! 

Deer Season Dates by Wildlife Management Unit | Hunting | New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (state.nh.us)

The biggest advantage of muzzleloader season in NH is that the deer are calm and have not altered their feeding and bedding habits.

As regular firearm season approaches deer find places to hunker down and are more warry. The other big advantage of muzzleloader season is that does are coming into estrous and bucks are moving more. Stay warm. Dress in layers. I carry a small day backpack.  Have my license, a pen, a sharp knife, drag rope, first aid kit, hand warmers, water and snacks and a phone or communications device.

I tell family specifically where I am hunting. Perhaps you should too!

If in camo, I wear an item of orange like a hat or camo orange vest. Deer don’t see orange, but people do. Deer see movement!

I enjoy cooking and eating my venison, and thus gut my deer asap after tagging, and open the cavity to cool it as soon as possible to preserve that meat quality. I do not hang my deer more than a day or so before cutting.   I like to vacuum seal my meat or burger. It will last for a few years in a freezer and over time will often lose more wild taste and even tenderize some cuts. I have begun pressure canning too and it tenderizes the toughest cuts.

See you out there!