About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.

Basic Rifle Cartridge Reloading Dies

Decades ago, I started out by shooting a few boxes of .270 Winchester ammo and kept the brass. This once fired ammo case is a great start to reload. But you need dies to reform brass, add a primer, powder and press the bullet.

For me, reloading is the ultimate satisfaction of doing-it-yourself like DIY.

Like chipping a broadhead from a piece of stone and killing game by your own hand as our ancestors did is the ultimate in satisfaction. 

The component of a cartridge requires a brass case to hold the powder, primer and bullet.

The brass needs to be “resized” in reloading dies, spent primer removed and replaced (left die) and a bullet seating die (right).

Full-Length Die Set - Group A - Popular Rifle Cartridges

 But new brass can be purchased too. See image below.

A reloading press and dies are essential. There are several companies who cater to reloaders.

A basic bottle-neck die set consists of two dies, one to resize the case and another to press the bullet into the case. See Photo above.

Every cartridge caliber needs its own die set. Die set costs to load for hunting typically cost less than $70.00 for a set.

Reloading for long distance hunting and shooting can be more exacting and cost much more. Like this Redding Die Set with micrometer bullet seating.

Redding Premium Series Die Sets


I had my first Savage .270 Winchester and loaded it with an RCBS Press and dies 40 years ago.  I use it to this day and saved untold dollars and Did-It-Myself…to my great satisfaction. I hunted Africa with my custom loads.

The key to good reloading technique is to read reloading manuals and guides, watch reloading video’s on you-tube. Listen and pay attention to areas of safety. Inspect your brass and spent primers for gas leaks, case damage of older brass. RCBS offers a free downloadable reloading guide.


Companies like Nosler, Hornady, Speer, Lyman, and several others sell reloading manuals. My two favorite manuals are Nosler and Hornady. Don’t forget all the videos on the web. 





Cartridge Reloading Gives Me More Shooting and Hunting Satisfaction

When store shelves are bare of your favorite rifle cartridge and bullet, I just reach into my reloading cupboard and load some up and go hunt or shoot.

Yes, sometime I run out of something but more than not, I have it before the big stores have your pet load.

Beyond that, my cartridges are customized to my rifle thus increasing accuracy. 

A sense of accomplishment? You bet!

Many years ago I purchased an RCBS Reloading press and never looked back. Reloading your own cartridges are a cost effective solution too, if you shoot regularly. I load pistol cartridges too.  

There are other reloading press companies and beginner kits out there to get you started.

RCBS offers the Explorer Reloading Kit for just $339.99.


Explorer Reloading Kit 2


Hornady Reloading Equipment


Go Hornady reloading with Rosie to get going! 

Great fun this spring!




Long Range Shooting with Handloads – Powder can vary Lot to Lot- Take Extra Care with Max Loads

In loading for moose with my Browning X-Bolt 7mm Rem Mag, I continue experimenting with powders and bullets . My two favorite bullets are Nosler ABLR 168 and 175 grain bullets. In the process, I am aware that I am looking for max loads and accuracy too.

As a result, I discovered measurable lot to lot variation in some powders. Alliant Reloader 22 is one of those I see vary,  and on the lower side so far…a good thing.

Thus, I approach new powder lots with more caution. Instead of loading hot loads with the same grain weight as my last lot, I back off a few grains or more and work up several rounds with my chronograph and inspect the brass and primer for overpressure signs.

At max loads you should also be aware that some magnum primers can be hotter and will effect velocity and may create overpressure as well if your are on the cusp.

Those who really push their rifle and cartridge in winter time can find those rounds perhaps too hot in summer when temps are in the 90’s. Why is my bolt sticking, you ask?

I think to keep my winter max loads a bit lighter and be aware of loads you loaded winter to summer. Dating them can help.  

Load Safely!

7mm Rem Mag Long Distance Hunting Accuracy and why you might need a Ballistic Wind Meter

I am a hunter, and try to keep my shots within my skill level. I have never taken a shot at game beyond 300 yards. However, I will, this fall, be exposed to shots at bull moose out to 400 to 600 yards.  Thus, I must, to seriously train to see where my limitations are.

That includes my rifle tuning as well. As my readers know, I will be hunting with my new Browning X-Bolt 26 inch/9.5 twist barrel with Nosler 168g AccuBonds Long Range.

Perhaps one of the most important “unknown” variables for long range hunting is wind speed and direction. At 90º to your shot direction, wind will blow your bullet off the center of your target at its worst. But wind blowing at you or toward your animal, the sideways force of the wind on your bullet is at its minimum, thus it should be true. The big question is, what is the wind speed? And what is the drift at 90º?

Drift Table 90º for 7mm Rem Mag 168g Nosler ABLR wit muzzle vel. 2960fps

Distance         10mph     15mph    20mph    Angle

200                  2in            3in         4in          90

300                  4in            6in         8in          90

400                  8in            11in       15in        90

500                  12in          18 in      24in        90

600                   18in         27in       36in        90

At 400 yards at 10mph the bullet will drift 8 inches across a 12 inch circle on a moose chest, thus you will have to aim right or left of your point-of-aim by 8 inches. This is doable if your wind speed is accurate. At 500 yards you need to move 12 inches on a 90º drift. The big question is how do you determine wind direction and speed at long range? You not only need a laser rangefinder, you also need a wind meter for an accurate shot. 

I have a cheap one but maybe get a better one. There are dozens on the market. Best meters are made by Kestrel. My son has the ballistics model Kestrel 5700 and he loves it. Retails around $449.00.  On a $7000 dollar hunt for my Newfoundland Bog moose where distances are easily at the edge of rifle and hunter capabilities. This is an item to strongly consider. See this article below for options.




Good Hunting!


Leupold VX-6 3×18 44mm Scope Mounting Eye Relief on Browning X-Bolt Speed

I purchased a pair of Browning 30mm scope rings for my favorite Leupold VX-6 zoom scope (a $100 add-on to the $1299 for the rifle).

VX-6HD 3-18x44 CDS-ZL2 Side Focus Illum. FireDot Duplex

 At first, the scope and Browning rings seemed to fit my VX-6 fine,  but I noticed that the eye relief was so far away that I got a serious case of  “tunnel” effect when looking thru the scope at high power.  Tech data says eye relief should be around 3.8 inches, I was perhaps 5 inches or more away in eye relief.

The objective bell taper on this scope is so long that it prevented rearward scope movement with a 2 ring system mounted on my rifle.

I can only get about 8x out of my existing setup and nixes any higher magnification. All else being equal, that stinks, doesn’t it?

Accordingly, I bought a Tally Picatinny rail with bubble level designed for the Browning X-Bolt Long Action and a set of Burris 30mm 1/4: height rings. I mounted the rail with a dab of blue Permatex Blue (medium strength) thread locker on the mounting screws. I also had to shorten the front of the Picatinny to clear the scope bell.

Browning X-Bolt 20 MOABurris Xtreme Tactical Signature Rings 30mm 1" Height - 4Shooters

Browning X-Bolt Speed taken apart with picatinny installed


Leupold VX-6, Picatinny and Burris Rings allows front tapered bell to clear the mount.

The secondary problem some shooters will run into, is that the combined height of rail and rings can cause the shooters cheek weld to be too low for eye/scope alignment but the Burris 30mm 1/4 inch rings work. 

Looks like I am building a custom rifle, doesn’t it? Just wait, the new Timney trigger will complete my custom build soon.

More Soon…

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Smokeless Gunpowder Shelf Life

Recently, I hand-loaded some Alliant Reloader Powder I had in my lower cool dry garage cupboard.

Reloder 19

It was for my 7mm Rem Mag rifle and discovered the powder lost some of its potency. It was an opened can and had about a half pound left. All of the loaded ammo fired fine but lost a couple hundred feet-per-second from published data. This powder had very little solvent smell and looked fine.

I was looking for a near max load.

I loaded rounds later in steps to see what I could wring out and did so just fine.

I would buy a new pound of Alliant Powder as soon as it is available and consider quickly using the older powder. 

I also loaded some rounds with a new can of IMR powder which had a potent solvent smell. These rounds followed published data very well. 

New powders often have a solvent Acetone like smell and over time the opened can will lose the solvent smell. Over longer periods, it will degrade to an acidic off smell.  When powder has that off smell it is time to dispose of the powder. Below is what Alliant says about storage and handling of modern powder.


Another article I liked below.



Good Shooting!


Browning X-Bolt “Speed” 7mm Rem Mag – Fast Follow-up Shots with 168g Nosler ABLR at 150 yards

After sighting in my rifle, one of my moose hunting shot techniques is to shoot multiple “fast” long range shots like I am in the field, off my Bog Death Grip below as an example off my Bog with my heavy recoiling .375 Ruger.

I can hear my guide excitedly shouting; “Put another one in him!”

My Browning X-Bolt has a 60 degree bolt lift thus shortening the bolt throw time significantly and is a smooth push-feed.


Below, I shot a string of 2 fast shots, after my first and best shot (three total shots off my Bog Death Grip) at a paper target with no bullseye but shooting for the center of the 15 inch paper target at 150 yards.

If you look hard, you can see the target below. I used 8x to see the target face.

Veteran moose hunters suggest using just enough magnification that also allows a field of view for reacquiring the target after the first shot.

Your hunt guide can also help to see the con-trail of your bullet hit with his binoculars. 

Below is the 3 shot string target. Shot #1 is at the paper crease.  Rapid Shot #2 is below shot #1.The third rapid shot went left 4 inches. The outer cardboard is close to the overall chest height of a moose at around 30 inches or so.



Many big game animals such as moose often don’t fall at the shot.  And likely, are not really sure what just happened to them and can move quickly making a follow-up shot more difficult. 

I believe the hunter should be practiced for follow-up shots to drop the animal as fast as possible. Bench rest shooting does not qualify here. 

In Africa, close big wounded dangerous game require, for your life’s sake, to drop the animal before it drops you.

On that note, you should also chamber and cycle your ammo in the rifle you hunt with, especially if it is hand-loaded. We don’t like surprises!

It can be just as dangerous to have a 1000 lb. bull moose shot at less than 30 yards and he decides to charge and give you some smack-down with his massive antlers. Yea, a follow-up here, for sure as an 8 foot giant frontal moose image appears at 20 feet or less.  

More Soon!

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Browning X-Bolt Factory Trigger Adjustment?

First, I like my new Browning X-Bolt rifle, but some of you know I had difficulty cleaning the red sealant out of the adjustment screw Allen wrench hole a few weeks back. Thinking my 2mm wrench stripped the hole. But I revisited the adjustment with a tool that I can put pressure on to get deeper in the Allen socket hole.


And it worked. The screw turned.

Thinking, now I can adjust it down to 3 pounds, but the adjustment screw did not lower the trigger to 3 pounds in fact just an ounce below 4 pounds, no matter what I did. And I am pretty good with tools!

Accordingly, frustrated I reassembled the trigger base and shot some snap caps for how the trigger felt. Nope, not much change. They say you can buy an adjustment spring and replace the existing trigger spring but it is not an easy job.

For me, I will test a Timney trigger when it arrives. It will adjust 1.5 to 4 lbs. Mine will be set at the factory to 3 pounds.

The only downside is that it costs around $200.00 and you have to take the stock off, remove and replace the trigger and proof the safety latch works. The Timney will no longer lock the bolt however. Many shooters see this as a minor loss.


More Soon!

Shooting a scoped semi-auto .308 or 6.5 Creed AR for Hunting?

Shooting a semi-auto .308 or 6.5 Creedmoor AR for hunting can be done and done well. An AR example below. I prefer a bolt action but hey…this works. A great wild boar rifle too, where southern and western farmers are overrun with them.

Savage Arms MSR10 Hunter Overwatch 6.5 Crd Semi-Automatic AR-10 Rifle, Matte Camo - 22994


The semi-auto AR 10 platform for hunting is a do-it-all rifle for protection, hunting game, and predators.

I personally prefer a bolt action rifle but in the right hands, this rifle works. In brown bear country, this reliable rifle gives comfort to folks living off-grid as does a 44 mag pistol as a side arm.

Ranchers use this tool like they use a hammer. If you have a nail, then the hammer is the right tool. If you have a brown bear sniffing in your direction, having a large clip of .308 cartridges at the ready can be comforting. Or live in Texas or Florida where they are overrun with pigs.

I am no expert on AR Rifles for hunting big game but I did find a great article on the web by Outdoor Life.


Check it out, they are fun to shoot.



Browning X-Bolt Speed – Nosler 168g ABLR w/ IMR 4831 Groups – Updated 2/2/23

As you may know, I have been working up hand-loads for my moose hunt and finding the Nosler 168g ABLR reaching over 3000 fps with IMR 4831. But the question is, with what accuracy or groups?

Well, I shot this group below and it looks like a tight 3/4″ except for the flyer. I shot the third shot in the upper right target and extrapolated its position on the string below. Why I shot that upper right target? Because I wanted a smaller target as a focal aim point.

But it needed to be repeated in the second target below for me to validate it. The trigger is a heavy 4 lbs. but I was able to get used to where it breaks. The thin mountain barrel does heat fast and after 3 shots to warm it, it begins to string. 

I repeated the same shots a week later with all the same components at 100 yards. The first 3 shots group 3/4 ” from a cold barrel and the 4th shot drops an inch. I know that a lighter trigger may also help. But overall, I was very pleased with the cold shots for hunting purposes.

Tests continue Using my Labradar

I loaded some 168g ABLR’s with hot H1000 Powder to compete with the IMR 4831. See below low left and right 100 yd 3 shot cold barrel groups with extreme spread of 78 fps an 2 inch groups. The IMR 4831 wins!

I did shoot 168 ABLR today for a third bench rest group for the IMR 4831 and Statistics. Below this group was 1 1/4 inches. Shown below with associated Labradar Stats with Extreme Spread of 14.34 fps and a Std Deviation of 8.17. Very nice indeed!

Labradar Report for IMR 4831

Device ID LBR-0028541                                      
Series No 4                                             
Total number of shots 3                                 
Units velocity fps                                         
Units distances yd                                         
Units kinetic energy ft-lbf                                
Units weight grain (gr)                                    
Stats – Average 2937.25 fps                                 
Stats – Highest 2946.69 fps                                 
Stats – Lowest 2932.35 fps                                  
Stats – Ext. Spread 14.34 fps                               
Stats – Std. Dev 8.17 fps                                   
Shot ID V0 V25 V25 V50 V75 V101 Ke0 Ke25 Ke25 Ke50 Ke75 Ke101 Proj. Weight Date Time
1 2933 2893 2893 2852 2814 0 3207 3120 3120 3034 2953 168 2/2/2023 13:01:22
2 2932 2882 2882 2841 2801 0 3207 3098 3098 3011 2925 168 2/2/2023 13:02:44
3 2947 2907 2907 2868 2829 2788 3238 3151 3151 3067 2984 168 2/2/2023 13:04:08


Interestingly, I did note that a drop in outside temperature affects ignition and velocity. Last week I shot at 37degrees F and MV avg was 3003. Today at 26 degrees F,  MV avg was 2937 a drop of 70 fps. At 600 yards that equates to a drop of 4 inches on a moose. I’ll keep that in mind!

More Soon…

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