22 Rifle Scope : MRAD vs MOA

I am afraid the 22 rifle bug has bit me.

The remedy is to shoot often with friendly competition. I am in week 2 of the disease and spending cash like a silly kid in a candy store. I am buying another slightly better tactical scope in mill radians known as MRAD. For target shooters, MRAD, or “MIL” for short, once learned, is more helpful in point of aim detail among many target shooters. It is divided finer than MOA. If you already know MOA, you do not have to learn MIL. I am going to see what changes in ease of mental calculations. Stay Posted…

I spent most of my life as a hunter and used MOA (Minute of Angle). So “MIL” is new to me. Calculation differences below. 

Calculating in MRAD
100 yards (91,4 m) 1/10 MIL= 0.36″ = 0.91 cm
100 yards (91,4 m) 1 MIL= 3.6″ = 9.14 cm
200 yards (182,8 m) 1/10 MIL= 0.72″ = 1.82 cm
200 yards (182,8 m) 1 MIL= 7.2″ = 18.28 cm
300 yards (274,3 m) 1/10 MIL= 1.08″ = 2.74 cm
300 yards (274,3 m) 1 MIL= 10.8″ = 27.43 cm


Calculating in MOA
100 yards (91,4 m) 1/4 MOA = 0.26″ = 0,66 cm
100 yards (91,4 m) 1 MOA = 1.05″ = 2,67 cm
200 yards (182,8 m) 1/4 MOA = 2.1″ = 1,33 cm
200 yards (182,8 m) 1 MOA = 2.1″ = 5,33 cm
300 yards (274,3 m) 1/4 MOA = 0.79″ = 2,00 cm
300 yards (274,3 m) 1 MOA = 3.15″ = 8,00 cm


Good Shooting!

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About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.

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