Seeing dozens of YouTube videos’ on hunting bear over bait is an excellent way to see bears cautiously approach a bait site. My Maine fall bear destination below.

Bow and crossbow hunters are set up around 20 yards or less to a bait site. Rifle hunter are set up further away.
Your guides are real experts, listen up.
You will notice quickly that younger bears and cubs have large “Mickey Mouse” like ears, whereas adult bears have smaller ears when compared to the head. Your guide will also have marks on barrels indicating height of an approaching adult bears. A belly dragging the ground is a sure bet for a whopper. Or a bear that meets height markings on a barrel or is larger than the bait barrel. Holy Mackerel!!
If cubs or smaller bears arrive and then a larger bear is seen accompanying the cubs, then it is most probably a mother sow.
Take lots of pictures and video but hope that this family of bears move on as the mother sow with cubs is not on a hunters menu.
Lone adult bears are what you are after.
Experts agree, the average size of harvested adult bears in Maine are around 150 pounds and can vary upwards to many hundreds of pounds like pictured above, though rare to see in daylight. Bear’s in the 250-300 pound or more range are real trophies.
The name of the game is being still, patience, scent control and timing/angle of your shot.
More so for archer’s. A fixed blade broadhead hit just forward of the bear’s midline and behind the shoulder will drop a bear in just 11 seconds.
A high broadhead hit to the shoulder scapula, is likely a lost bear due to lack of penetration. The scapula wounded bear will very likely heal but you, the hunter, may have some sleepless nights.
A rifle or pistol hunter has more shot options than the archer but the bullet must be placed in the heart lung area or head shot. Most opt for heart/lung.
It is best to shoot a bear with ample bullet penetration to get an exit wound and a bullet that opens up or mushrooms leaving an ample blood trail.
Fast recovery of your bear is essential for quality meat.
Recently, I was given bear meat that was well cared for and vacuum sealed. It was absolutely tender and delish in my fall/winter stew. And don’t forget rendering the bear fat! It has many uses for making pastry, water-proofing shoes, lubrication and on and on. Mounting your bear? Call a taxidermist before you hunt.
Good Hunting!