My wife, who has Newfoundland heritage, and I visited just few weeks back and landed in St John’s, in the northeast corner of the Island. Ok, so I left my rifle home on this trip and took my Nikon D60 instead.
So we began our trip with some local micro-brewed beer and weekend cod fishing. Here are 2 market size cod that are about to become fillets for dinner. As you can see, I’m a happy man, and well fed too!

Back home along Massachusetts fisherman are restricted to 1 cod fish per day due to the weakness of the fishery but no where near what Newfoundland encountered.
It was 1992 when Newfoundland shut down the Cod Fishery due to over-fishing. Today the Cod are back and Fishing for these delicious fish has returned under strict regulation. Regulation has its place, eh!
Nestled on the shore side of St Johns is the fishing village of Quidi Vidi and carved out of the granite landscape. Photo’s by author Below.

This photo I took with my Nikon D60 is very special as I waited for the sea gulls to congregate. Looks like a post card doesn’t it!

We fished just a 1/4 mile off shore with hand lines and just red teaser worms and hooks.
While in St John’s my wife wanted to visit a local brewery called Quidi Vidi Brewery (photo by author below) where she fell in love with Iceberg beer brewed there. Icebergs which contain very pure water from around 20,000 years ago or so “they say” break up and are harvested to make the Iceberg beer. Smaller bergs that can be taken on small vessels are called mini-bergs.

At dinner in St John my wife Sue and I feasted on local fare and Iceberg beer and mingled with the locals. Somebody has got to do it, eh! As the Canadians say.

We rented a Ford SUV in St Johns and me and the Mrs. drove to the the family cottage in Jamestown about 130 miles up the Trans Canada highway. The cottage is on the ocean, you see. It was 30 years ago, when I visited Jamestown with the wife and pointed out this house and shoreline property for sale to my mother and father-in-law who have family nearby. It was affordable to them back then and in just a few weeks they purchased it and never looked back.

The view from the upper deck overlooks Goose Bay, and inlet of Bonavista Bay. Breath taking! So now you know why I recommended this property to family. It was carved by God and Nature to create this splendid view of James Head and Goose Bay.
So the wife and I explored a bit and found ourselves at Bonavista Cove where John Cabot landed in the fourteen hundreds.

We walked here in hopes of encountering a Puffin, a beautiful pelagic seabird at home in the north Atlantic. It was my wife that spotted the Puffin first and I proceeded to shutter my Nikon D60 to produce this photo of the only Puffin we saw.

Some folks have a problem saying Newfoundland and mumble New Finland, or perhaps New Found Land. Just say this to say it correctly; understand Newfoundland. The “found” part is said as “fin” and you are good-to-go.
A great vacation adventure!
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